
This websites site core console commands package

1.0.3 2022-09-30 06:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:02:57 UTC


This is the repo for the Wbcodes Core project. A Wbcodes Site package to use CRM in your laravel project simply.


All documentation is available on the Wiki Pages. We encourage you to read it. If you are new start with the Installation Guide. To update the package consult the Updating Guide.


The current package requirements are:

  • Laravel >= 7.x
  • PHP >= 7.3


To Install our package you can follow Steps in below.

Note: the next steps are valid for a fresh installation procedure, if you are updating the package, refers to the Updating section.

  1. On the root folder of your Laravel project, require the package using composer:

    composer require wbcodes/laravel-core
  2. (For Laravel 7+ only) If you want to install the authentication scaffolding, then require the laravel/ui package using composer:

    composer require laravel/ui
    php artisan ui vue --auth

    Note: it is a recommendation to read the Laravel Authentication Documentation for details about the authentication scaffolding.

  3. install required package tables using the next commands:

    php artisan notifications:table          
    php artisan queue:failed-table           
    php artisan queue:table                  
    php artisan session:table    
  4. publish vendor files from imtilak/laravel-core packege:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider"

    or you can extract you need fiels using --tag={name}

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=migrations
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=seeders
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=factories
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=public
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=lang
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=helpers
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=controllers
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wbcodes\Core\Providers\SiteCoreServiceProvider" --tag=views
  5. Add this code to ./routes/web.php file

    Auth::routes(['register' => false, 'verify' => true]);
  6. Create data base and add database configruation to .env file

       DB_DATABASE ='your_db_name'
       DB_USERNAME ='username'
       DB_PASSWORD ='password'
  7. After than you should be run migrations using this command line:

    > php artisan migrate --seed

    Or you can use to command

     > php artisan migrate
     > php artisan db:seed

    And you can refresh data base using

     > php artisan migrate:refresh

    Or you can fresh data base using

     > php artisan migrate:fresh

Finally, install the required package resources using the next command:

php artisan sitecore:install

You can use --force option to overwrite existing files.

You can use --interactive option to be guided through the process and choose what you want to install.

Add This middleware to Http/Kernel.php as $routeMiddleware

'wbcodes_settings'        => \Wbcodes\Core\Middleware\SiteSettingsMiddleware::class,
'wbcodes_verified_device' => \Wbcodes\Core\Middleware\VerifyDevice::class,

use SiteUserTrait middleware to Http/Kernel.php as $routeMiddleware


   namespace App\Models;
   use Wbcodes\Core\Traits\SiteUserTrait;
   class User extends Authenticatable
         use CoreUserTrait;


  1. First, update the package with the next composer command:

    composer update wbcodes/laravel-core
  2. Then, update the required Wbcodes Site assets resources

    Note: if you are using Wbcodes Site for Laravel 5.x and are upgrading to Laravel 6 version, first delete the folder Wbcodes Site inside your public/vendor directory.

    In order to publish the new Wbcodes Site assets, execute the next command:

    php artisan sitecore:update
  3. If you have published and modified the default master.blade.php file or any other view provided with this package, you may need to update them too. Please, note there could be huge updates on these views, so it is highly recommended to backup your files previosuly. To update the views, you may follow next steps:

    • Make a copy (or backup) of the views you have modified, those inside the folder resources/views/vendor/wbcodes/laravel-core.

    • Publish the new set of views, using the --force option to overwrite the existing files.

      php artisan sitecore:install --only=views --force
    • Compare the new installed views with your backup files and redo the modifications you previously did to those views.

  4. From time to time, new configuration options may be added or default values may be changed, so it is also a recommendation to verify and update the package config file if needed. To update the configuration, you may follow next steps:

    • Make a copy (or backup) of your current package configuration file, the config/site_core.php file.

    • Now, publish the new package configuration file and accept the overwrite warning (or use --force option to avoid the warning).

      php artisan sitecore:install --only=config
    • Compare with your backup configuration file and redo the modifications you previously made.

  5. New helper functions may be added or modified, So it is also a recommendation to verify and update the package helper files if needed. To update the helpers, you may follow next steps:

    • Make a copy (or backup) of your current package helper files, the config/site_core.php file.

    • Now, publish the new package helper files and accept the overwrite warning (or use --force option to avoid the warning).

      php artisan sitecore:install --only=helpers
    • Compare with your backup configuration file and redo the modifications you previously made.

Artisan Console Commands

This package provides some artisan commands in order to manage its resources. These commands are explained in the next sections. First, we going to give a little summary of the available resources, they are distinguished by a key name:

> php artisan sitecore:clear

> php artisan sitecore:create:list-option

> php artisan sitecore:module:create

> php artisan sitecore:remove:reports-drafts

> php artisan sitecore:update:permissions

> php artisan sitecore:sync

php artisan sitecore:clear command will clear all of these (views, cache, config, route).

php artisan sitecore:create:list-option command will create new list option.

php artisan sitecore:module:create command will add new row to module table.

php artisan sitecore:remove:reports-drafts command will be remove all draft reports which not saved.

php artisan sitecore:update:permissions command will be update all permissions by removing don't used and create required permissions which not exists before.

php artisan sitecore:sync .
