
Parse menus from the Wayne State University API

1.2.2 2016-11-04 15:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 08:05:05 UTC


Parse menus from the Wayne State University API

Latest Stable Version Build Status Total Downloads License


To install this library, run the command below and you will get the latest version

composer require waynestate/parse-menu


Create the object

# start.php

use Waynestate\Menuitems\ParseMenu;


$parseMenu = new ParseMenu;

Make an API call for the menu

# controller.php

try {
    // Pull a specific menu from the API for a site
    $params = array(
        'site_id' => 1,
        'menu_id' => 2,
        'ttl' => TTL,
    $menus = $api->sendRequest('cms.menuitems.listing', $params);

    // Menu config
    $menu_config = array(
        'page_selected' => 1,

    // Get a final array to display the main menu
    $main_menu = $parseMenu->parse($menus[2], $menu_config);
    // Get the breadcrumbs from the parsed menu $main_menu
    $breadcrumbs = array();
    if(count($site_menu['meta']['path']) > 0) {
        $breadcrumbs = $parseMenu->getBreadCrumbs($main_menu);
        // Add the site root crumb
        $root_crumb = [
            'display_name' => 'Home',
            'relative_url' => '/',
        $breadcrumbs = $parseMenu->prependBreadCrumb($breadcrumbs, $root_crumb);
    // Just display the first level in the header
    $top_menu_config = array(
        'display_levels' => 1,

    // Parse the existing menu with the specific top_menu config
    $top_menu = $parseMenu->parse($main_menu, $top_menu_config);

} catch (Exception $e) {

    echo 'Caught exception: '.  $e->getMessage(). "\n";

Return values

$main_menu['meta'] = [
    'has_selected' => boolean, // default: false
    'has_submenu' => boolean, // default: false
    'depth' => integer, // default: 0
    'path' => array, // default: array()

$main_menu['menu'] = [
    // Array of the menu

$breadcrumbs = [
    // Sequential array of individual breadcrumbs in order based on the $main_menu['meta']['path']

Config Options

'page_selected' = Page ID for selection path (optional)
'skip_levels' = Number of levels to skip from the root (requires page_selected)
'display_levels' = Number of levels to display from the root (requires page_selected, if > 1)
'full_menu' = Return the full menu regardless if there is a page selected (boolean, default: false)
TODO: 'show_levels' = Number of levels to display from the leaf (requires page_selected)
TODO: 'add_home' = Add 'Home' as the first menu item (this may not be needed)


InvalidDisplayLevelsException = If 'display_levels' > 1 and no 'page_selected' found



Code Coverage

phpunit --coverage-html ./coverage