
PHP client to connect Wavelabs API

V1.0.34 2016-06-13 05:03 UTC


Wavelabs PHP client App is the first easy, secure user management and authentication service for developers. This is the PHP Client App to easy integration of its features with any PHP language based application.


You can install wavelabs-php-client-api via composer

Via Composer

wavelabs-php-client-api is available on packagist as the "wavelabs/php-client-api" package

On your project root, install Composer

  curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Configure the wavelabs-php-client-api dependency in your 'composer.json' file:

"require": {
    "wavelabs/php-client-api": "*"

On your project root, install the the wavelabs-php-client-api with its dependencies:

php composer.phar install

You're ready to connect with wavelabs-php-client-api!

Via github

You can download from Github

Getting Started

Include the wavelabs-php-client-api via composer autoloder

inclide 'vendor/autoload.php';

Or Include the wavelabs-php-client-api when downloaded from github

include 'wavelabs-php-client-api-master/src/Wavelabs/Autoloader.php';


  1. User Registration
// Include autoloader
require "vendor/autoload.php";

// calling login service
$response = $auth->signup([
    "username" => "demouser",
    "password" => "demopass",
    "email" => "demo@gmail.com",
    "firstName" => "first name",
    "lastName" => "last name"
// get service HTTP status code
$http_code = $auth->getLastHttpCode();

// if HTTP status is OK
if($http_code == 200){
    // message from server
    echo "Token :".$response->token->access_token;
    echo "Member ID :".$response->member->id;
    echo "Email :".$response->member->email;
    echo "First Name :".$response->member->firstName;
}else {
    //get Errors
  1. User Login
// Include autoloader
require "vendor/autoload.php";

$auth = new Wavelabs\core\Auth();

// calling login service
$response = $auth->login("sastrylal", "Admin@123");
// get service HTTP status code
$http_code = $auth->getLastHttpCode();

// if HTTP status is OK
if($http_code == 200){
    echo "Welcome to ". $response->member->firstName;
}else {
    //get Errors 