
Object for easily generating image sources with autoversioning for handling cache corruption.

v0.5.4 2019-06-04 19:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 08:36:29 UTC


Object for easily generating image sources with autoversioning for handling cache corruption.

Loader object takes in an optional hash map as its 1 argument ( though using this object without any arguments will just return the very string you give it from getSource ). The object will recognize any & all o' 4 o' the following optional keys for that hash map:

  • "directory-url": URL directory in which to look for file. If set, automatically appends this before given local filename. If none set, URL will just be the local.
  • "directory-server": Server directory in which file is located. Used for finding modified time for this file, used for determining the "version" o' this file automatically for easy, automatic cache clearing when a file changes ( & needs to be reloaded ). If not set, no versioning is used.
  • "shared-directory": Directory that goes after both URL & Server directories listed before.
  • "extension": File extension to automatically add to end o' local file.

After setting this object up, you can use it to get sources for local filenames easily.


All CSS files are kept in /home/example.com/public_html/assets/css & are loaded from https://www.example.com/assets/css:

use WaughJ\FileLoader\FileLoader;

$loader = new FileLoader
	'directory-url' => 'https://www.example.com',
	'directory-server' => '/home/example.com/public_html',
	'shared-directory' => 'assets/css',
	'extension' => 'css'

Then you can easily load files with just the local name with the "getSourceWithVersion" method:

// Get main CSS file
$loader->getSourceWithVersion( 'main' );

This will output "https://www.example.com/assets/css/main.css?m={#######}", with the #s being a long # representing the last modified time.

You can make new versions o' a loader with 1 o' the 4 attributes changed with the following methods, which return a new instance o' the loader object with all the other attributes the same:

  • changeURLDirectory
  • changeServerDirectory
  • changeSharedDirectory
  • changeExtension

To change multiple attributes easily, just chain them:

$loader2 = $loader1->changeURLDirectory( 'https:/www.new-website.com' )->changeExtension( 'sass' );

If you want to change the same loader, just set the loader equal to change, replacing the ol' instance with the new:

$loader1 = $loader1->changeURLDirectory( 'https:/www.new-website.com' )->changeExtension( 'sass' );

Error Handling

The "getSourceWithVersion" method analyzes the file on the server's modified date to create the version string. If it can't access the file, it throws a WaughJ\FileLoader\MissingFileException exception, which includes the server & url paths in it. If you want a safe way to fallback to versionless source without breaking the website or program, run a simple try & catch & in the catch use the exception object's "getFallbackContent" method to get the versionless source:

$file_url = null;
	$file_url = $loader->getSourceWithVersion( 'main' );
catch ( MissingFileException $e )
	// Perhaps run some logging code that logs that $e->getFilename() couldn't be found.

	// If exception is thrown, $file_url will be the equivalent o' $loader->getSource( 'main' ).
	$file_url = $e->getFallbackContent();



  • Add Getter Methods & Revamp Error Handling


  • Add Ability to Get File Version


  • Add Ability to Get Extension from Filename


  • Add Change Methods


  • Initial Version