wareon / spapi-php
Amazon Selling Partner API Client
- ext-json: *
- ext-simplexml: *
- ext-zlib: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.5
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7
spapi-php is a http client for Amazon's Selling Partner API
Author: Lyubomir Slavilov
Before you start
Spapi is released as Composer package double-break/spapi-php
with no warranties or promises.
There are couple classes (such as Signer
, Credentials
) which are essential for the API calls to work. Most of the issues will live here.
All of the actual API clients are autogenerated and given the disclaimer above - not heavily tested.
- php 7.3 (never tested on lower version)
- composer
- a lot of time reading Amazon SP API documentation
Install and update
Now you are ready to do
composer require double-break/spapi-php
Package updates
Once you have successfully installed the package, the updates are simple as normal Composer package updates. Just execute:
composer update double-break/spapi-php
Simple use
<?php include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; /** The Setup **/ $config = [ //Guzzle configuration 'http' => [ 'verify' => false, //<--- NOT SAFE FOR PRODUCTION 'debug' => true //<--- NOT SAFE FOR PRODUCTION ], //LWA: Keys needed to obtain access token from Login With Amazon Service 'refresh_token' => '<YOUR-REFRESH-TOKEN>', 'client_id' => '<CLINET-ID-IN-SELLER-CONSOLE>', 'client_secret' => '<CLIENT_SECRET>', //STS: Keys of the IAM role which are needed to generate Secure Session // (a.k.a Secure token) for accessing and assuming the IAM role 'access_key' => '<STS-ACCESS_KEY>', 'secret_key' => '<STS-SECRET-KEY>', 'role_arn' => '<ROLE-ARN>' , //API: Actual configuration related to the SP API :) 'region' => 'eu-west-1', 'host' => 'sellingpartnerapi-eu.amazon.com' ]; //Create token storage which will store the temporary tokens $tokenStorage = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\SimpleTokenStorage('./aws-tokens'); //Create the request signer which will be automatically used to sign all of the //requests to the API $signer = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Signer(); //Create Credentials service and call getCredentials() to obtain //all the tokens needed under the hood $credentials = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Credentials($tokenStorage, $signer, $config); $cred = $credentials->getCredentials(); /** The application logic implementation **/ //Create SP API Catalog client and execute one ot its REST methods. $catalogClient = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\CatalogItems($cred, $config); //Check the catalog info for B074Z9QH5F ASIN $result = $catalogClient->getCatalogItem('B074Z9QH5F', [ 'MarketplaceId' => 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', ])['payload']; print_r($result);
Feed API usage
For Feed API, user can follow Feeds API Use Case Guide.
And in this guide for step 2. Encrypt and upload the feed data: user can use below example:
<?php // content type of the feed data to be uploaded. $contentType = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'; // create feed document $feedClient = new \DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Feeds($cred, $config); $response = $feedClient->createFeedDocument(["contentType" => $contentType]); $payload = $response['payload']; $feedContentFilePath = './testFeedDoc.xml'; $result = (new \DoubleBreak\Spapi\Helper\Feeder())->uploadFeedDocument($payload,$contentType,$feedContentFilePath); print_r($result);
And for Step 6. Download and decrypt the feed processing report: user can use below example:
<?php $feedClient = new \DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Feeds($cred, $config); // $resultFeedDocumentId: from response of getFeed() function. $resultFeedDocumentId = 'amzn1.tortuga.3.ed4cd0d8-447b-4c22-96b5-52da8ace1207.T3YUVYPGKE9BMY'; $response = $feedClient->getFeedDocument($resultFeedDocumentId); $payload = $response['payload']; $result = (new \DoubleBreak\Spapi\Helper\Feeder())->downloadFeedProcessingReport($payload); print_r($result);
Debugging responses
<?php //configuration and initialization here $catalogClinet = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Catalog($cred, $config); try { $result = $catalogClinet->getCatalogItem('B074Z9QH5F', [ 'MarketplaceId' => 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', ])['payload']; //do your business here } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { $httpCode = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode(); $errorBody = $e->getResponse()->getBody(); echo "Amazon SP API responded with HTTP {$httpCode}\n {$errorBody}"; } catch(\Exception $e) { echo "Unexpected exception: " . $e->getMessage(); }
Accessing response headers
📝Accessing headers by using client's getLastHttpResponse()
is available since v1.0.5
<?php //configuration and initialization here //Create SP API Catalog client and execute one ot its REST methds. $catalogClinet = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Catalog($cred, $config); //Check the catalog info for B074Z9QH5F ASIN $result = $catalogClinet->getCatalogItem('B074Z9QH5F', [ 'MarketplaceId' => 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', ])['payload']; $headers = $catalogClinet->getLastHttpResponse()->getHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $headerName => $values) { echo "{$headerName}: " . implode(','. $values); }
Debugging 4xx and 5xx response headers
📝Accessing headers by using client's getLastHttpResponse()
is available since v1.0.5
<?php //configuration and initialization here $catalogClinet = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Catalog($cred, $config); try { $result = $catalogClinet->getCatalogItem('B074Z9QH5F', [ 'MarketplaceId' => 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', ])['payload']; //do your business here } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { $headers = $e->getResponse()->getHeaders(); print_r($headers); } // OR try { $result = $catalogClinet->getCatalogItem('B074Z9QH5F', [ 'MarketplaceId' => 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', ])['payload']; //do your business here } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { $headers = $catalogClinet->getLastHttpResponse()->getHeaders(); print_r($headers); }
Migrating authorization from Amazon Marketplace Web Service to Selling Partner Api
Please, see more details in Selling Partner Api docs
<?php include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; /** The Setup **/ $config = [ //Guzzle configuration 'http' => [ 'verify' => false, 'debug' => true ], //LWA: Keys needed to obtain access token from Login With Amazon Service 'refresh_token' => '<YOUR-REFRESH-TOKEN>', 'client_id' => '<CLINET-ID-IN-SELLER-CONSOLE>', 'client_secret' => '<CLIENT_SECRET>', //STS: Keys of the IAM role which are needed to generate Secure Session // (a.k.a Secure token) for accessing and assuming the IAM role 'access_key' => '<STS-ACCESS_KEY>', 'secret_key' => '<STS-SECRET-KEY>', 'role_arn' => '<ROLE-ARN>' , //API: Actual configuration related to the SP API :) 'region' => 'eu-west-1', 'host' => 'sellingpartnerapi-eu.amazon.com' ]; //Create token storage which will store the temporary tokens $tokenStorage = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\SimpleTokenStorage('./aws-tokens'); //Create the request signer which will be automatically used to sign all of the //requests to the API $signer = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Signer(); //Create Credentials service and call getCredentials() to obtain //all the tokens needed under the hood $credentials = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Credentials($tokenStorage, $signer, $config); //get credentials with migration token, it's needed for /authorization/v1/authorizationCode request $cred = $credentials->getCredentials(true); /** The application logic implementation **/ //Create SP API Catalog client and execute one ot its REST methods. $authorizationClient = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Authorization($cred, $config); //Get Authorization code $result = $authorizationClient->getAuthorizationCode([ 'developerId' => '<DEVELOPER-ID-AUTHORIZED-BY-SELLING-PARTNER>', 'mwsAuthToken' => '<MWS-AUTH-TOKEN>', 'sellingPartnerId' => '<SELLING-PARTNER-ID>' ])['payload']; //Authorization code should be changed to Access and Refresh token print_r($credentials->exchangesAuthorizationCodeForRefreshToken($result['authorizationCode']));
Authorization for Grantless Operations in Selling Partner API
Please, see more details in Selling Partner Api docs
<?php include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; /** The Setup **/ $config = [ //Guzzle configuration 'http' => [ 'verify' => false, 'debug' => true ], //LWA: Keys needed to obtain access token from Login With Amazon Service 'refresh_token' => '<YOUR-REFRESH-TOKEN>', 'client_id' => '<CLINET-ID-IN-SELLER-CONSOLE>', 'client_secret' => '<CLIENT_SECRET>', //STS: Keys of the IAM role which are needed to generate Secure Session // (a.k.a Secure token) for accessing and assuming the IAM role 'access_key' => '<STS-ACCESS_KEY>', 'secret_key' => '<STS-SECRET-KEY>', 'role_arn' => '<ROLE-ARN>' , //API: Actual configuration related to the SP API :) 'region' => 'eu-west-1', 'host' => 'sellingpartnerapi-eu.amazon.com' ]; //Create token storage which will store the temporary tokens $tokenStorage = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\SimpleTokenStorage('./aws-tokens'); //Create the request signer which will be automatically used to sign all of the //requests to the API $signer = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Signer(); //Create Credentials service and call getCredentials() to obtain //all the tokens needed under the hood $credentials = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Credentials($tokenStorage, $signer, $config); //get credentials with Grantless auth token, it's needed for grantless operations request $cred = $credentials->getCredentials('grantless'); /** The application logic implementation **/ //Create SP API Notification client and execute one ot its REST methods. $notificationClient = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Notifications($cred, $config); //Get notification destinations $result = $notificationClient->getDestinations(); print_r($result['payload']);
Working with Restricted Data APIs
<?php include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; /** The Setup **/ $config = [ // same as examples above... ]; //Create token storage which will store the temporary tokens $tokenStorage = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\SimpleTokenStorage('./aws-tokens'); //Create the request signer which will be automatically used to sign all of the //requests to the API $signer = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Signer(); //Create Credentials service and call getCredentials() to obtain //all the tokens needed under the hood $credentials = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Credentials($tokenStorage, $signer, $config); $cred = $credentials->getRdtCredentials([ 'restrictedResources' => [ [ 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/buyerInfo' ], [ 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/mfn/v0/shipments/{shipmentId}' ] ] ]); /** The application logic implementation **/ //Create SP API Orders client and execute one ot its REST methods. $orderClient = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Orders($cred, $config); //Get order's buyer info $result = $catalogClient->getOrderBuyerInfo('902-3159896-1390916')['payload']; print_r($result); //...
For more information see the Amazons's use case documentation about this topic: https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs/blob/main/guides/en-US/use-case-guides/tokens-api-use-case-guide/tokens-API-use-case-guide-2021-03-01.md