wangta69 / laravel_board
BBS bulletin board system
한국형 라라벨용 게시판 입니다.
현재 진행중인 프로젝트에 사용하려고 간단하게 만들고 테스트 중입니다.
This package was tested on Laravel 8.x
version 2.x installation version 8.1.x installation
over ver 8.2
composer require wangta69/laravel-board
php artisan pondol:install-bbs
- design : bootstrp 5.x
- jquery : 3.6.x
How to Use
Set Security for Admin.
After Install, Goto App/Http/Controllers/Bbs/Admin and you can find controllers for Admin.
Set Access Auth on __construct for security
if(!Auth::user()->hasRole('administrator')) => hasRole('Your Admin Role name')
Login To Admin
Type url http://YourDomain/bbs/admin and Create What you want Bbs.
If you have rolls not yet, do 'php artisan make:model Role -m'
Create BBS
You can make any bbs what you want
After create bbs link for admin : http://YourDomain//bbs/admin/tbl/[table name]
link for user : http://YourDomain//bbs/[table name]
realtime thumbnail generator
<img src="{{bbs_get_thumb($article->image, 205, 205) }}" alt="{{$article->title}}">
if you want some data to dispay from bbs, follow below explain
public function Anything()
$notice = bbs_get_latest(array('table'=>'notice', 'cnt'=>5));
Make Additional Template
Go to resources/views/bbs/templates And add a template like exist template
if you have any article not bbs and you want add comment like forum, just insert below code
<x-item-comments item="story" :itemId="1" skin="default"/>
- skin : currently only 'default' skin exist(i'm gonna add more skins)
- item : what you want (string type)
- itemId : this is important one, if you have many articles, you put itemId for every articles