wakeonweb / behat-contexts
Provide some behat contexts
- php: ^7.1
- behat/behat: ~3.0
Provide some simple behat contexts
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\AmqpContext:
# I intentionally did not use syntax %env()% because BEHAT doesn't fully
# support this case since Behat and Symfony kernel are not the sames.
my_second_queue: "DIRECT_DSN"
# you can define your own Adapter, it musts implements \WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\AmqpAdapter\AdapterInterface;
# adapterClass: \WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\AmqpAdapter\SymfonyMessengerAdapter
# Create queues if they don't exist.
# setupQueuesAutomatically: 1
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\FidryAliceFixturesContext:
# optional
# default is %kernel.project_dir%/tests/fixtures
# basepath: /var/www/....
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\DoctrineORMSchemaReloadContext
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\HttpMockContext:
# basepath is %kernel.project_dir%/
# optional
# mockServers:
- {serverName: 'user', port: 8870, host: 'localhost', basePath: '/admin'}
- {serverName: 'mailer'}
# bodyRequestPath: tests/functional/fixtures/request (default)
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\SwaggerContext:
# basepath is %kernel.project_dir%/
# swaggerFile: doc/mySwaggerFile.yaml
- WakeOnWeb\BehatContexts\FileContext:
# optional
# basePath: 'test/funtional/fixtures/file'
- tests/Features
If feature/scenario has tag @amqp, it'll automatically remove messages in all queues defined on context.
Needs AliceDataFixtures and its bundle to be installed.
Needs [DoctrineBundle] to be installed.
If feature/scenario has tag @database, it'll automatically delete/create doctrine schema for all managers.
You have to create database before by yourself.
Needs BehatSymfony2Extension, InternationHttpMock
- mockServers: A mock server set up list. Only name is mandatory.
- bodyRequestPath: Base path for target json response file.
You have two way for set up a list of mock.
Configuration with tag
Add your mocks in the suit configuration and use the @mockable tag on the feature or scenario.
Use "I set up mock servers:" step and don't forget "I tear down mock servers" after use it.
Steps available:
Given I set up mock servers:
| name | port | host | basePath |
Then I tear down mock servers
Given A :method request on :path to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response
Given A :method request on :path to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response with content :body
Given A :method request on :path to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response with file :bodyFileName as content
Given A :method request on path matching :regex to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response
Given A :method request on path matching :regex to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response with content :body
Given A :method request on path matching :regex to the mock server :serverName must be return a :responseCode response with file :bodyFileName as content
Needs: BehatSymfony2Extension, UbirakRestApiBehatExtension, SwaggerValidator,
How to use:
- Set the path of your yaml swagger file (V2 only) in the behat.yml file.
- Use the step after call the endpoint with UbirakRestApi
Steps available:
Then I validate Swagger response on :path with :method method and statusCode :statusCode
Needs: BehatSymfony2Extension,
How to use:
- Set the base path of your fixture file folder (optional, default: tests/functional/fixtures/file)
- Use steps
- Use the @clean-files-after or @clean-files-before tag for clean file created with step "I create file in :path from :file"
- If the scenario generate files, you can clean it with step "I clean all files from folder :folder"
Steps available:
Given I create file in :path from :file
Then The file :file must be a copy of :fileExpected
Then One of file present in :path must be a copy of :fileExpected
Then The file :file size is less or equal to :size octet
Then The file :file size is equal to :size octet
Then The file :file mime type must be equal to :mimeType
Then The file :file mime type must be equal to one of following:
Then :number files must be present in folder :path
Then The file with name :fileName must be present in :path
Then I clean all files from folder :folder
Then I clean generated files