
An ORM package that allows you to perform basic CRUD operations on any database

1.0.5 2016-03-03 13:19 UTC


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POTATO ORM is a custom ORM that allows you to perform all CRUD operations on a table when working with any database


Installation via Composer

$ composer require vundi/potato-orm


Configuration SQL databases

NOTE: Load you connection variables from the .env file in the root folder. If you do not have a .env file in your root folder or don't know about it, please read this phpdotenv project.

Provide Database host, database user, database password and the type in the .env file. Once you provide the right values a Database connection will be established.

// Load the `.env` variables for the project
// Check the `.env.example` file in the root of the project to see the environment variables needed.
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);

Once we have a connection, we create a model class which extends Model. Inside the model class set the entity table name

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Vundi\Potato\Model;
use Vundi\Potato\Exceptions\NonExistentID;
use Vundi\Potato\Exceptions\IDShouldBeNumber;

class User extends Model
	protected static $entity_table = 'Person';

Database interactions

// create a new user
$user = new User;
$user->name = "Kevin Karugu";
$user->age = 23;
$user->company = "Andela";

Get all users from the users table

$users = User::findAll(); // Returns an array of the users found in the db

Get a single user from the users table

$user = User::find(2); // will return user with an ID of 2

Edit an existing user

$user = User::find(2);
$user->name = "Devy Kerr";
$user->company = "Suyabay";

Delete a user

//Will remove a user from the database table
User::remove(2); // 2 represents the id of the user to be removed



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.