
Symfony Bundle to help using SimplePie RSS library

dev-master 2018-10-09 21:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 10:38:15 UTC


A Symfony bundle to ease SimplePie integration


Add the library to your composer requirements :

composer require volcagnomes/simplepie-bundle

By default, this buncle creates a "simplepie" folder in your Symfony cache. You can change this by creating a "simple_pie.yaml" file in your config folder (/config/packages in SF 4.x).

This is an example :

     cache_location: '%kernel.cache_dir%/../simplepie'

Note : If the cache folder doesn't exist, SimplePieBundle will try to create it.


Simply inject a parameter of class Volcagnomes\SimplePieBundle\SimplePieService in your class constructor or your method. Call the createInstance() method on it and you'll have a working SimplePie instance ready to be used.