voku / html-form-validator
HTML <form> validation without trouble, easy filtering & validation.
- php: ^7.3 || ^8.0
- respect/validation: ~2.2
- voku/email-check: ~3.1
- voku/portable-utf8: ~6.0
- voku/simple_html_dom: ~4.7
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ~6.0 || ~7.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 16:00:29 UTC
🔦 HTMLFormValidation
HtmlFormValidator is a very easy to use PHP library that will help you
to validate your <form>
data and you can use this independent from your framework of choice.
Install via "composer require"
composer require voku/html-form-validator
How does this work?
First you need to generate a html form, that's completely your part. You can write it manually or you can generate with a framework or a library, it doesn't matter.
Then we use DOM Parsing via voku/simple_html_dom, to detect the current validator and filter rules directly from the html.
And finally, we use Respect/Validation to validate the form.
Simple Example
use voku\HtmlFormValidator\Validator; require_once 'composer/autoload.php'; $html = ' <form id="music" method="post"> <label>Artist: <select name="top5" required="required"> <option>Heino</option> <option>Michael Jackson</option> <option>Tom Waits</option> <option>Nina Hagen</option> <option>Marianne Rosenberg</option> </select> </label> </form> '; $rules = $formValidator->getAllRules(); static::assertSame( [ 'music' => [ 'top5' => 'in(' . \serialize(['Heino','Michael Jackson','Tom Waits','Nina Hagen','Marianne Rosenberg',]) . ')', ], ], $rules ); // --- valid // fake some data $_POST = [ 'top5' => 'Heino', ]; $formValidatorResult = $formValidator->validate($_POST); static::assertSame([], $formValidatorResult->getErrorMessages()); // --- invalid // fake some data $_POST = [ 'top5' => 'fooooo', ]; $formValidatorResult = $formValidator->validate($_POST); static::assertSame( [ 'top5' => [ '"fooooo" must be in { "Heino", "Michael Jackson", "Tom Waits", "Nina Hagen", "Marianne Rosenberg" }', ], ], $formValidatorResult->getErrorMessages() );
Extended Example
use voku\HtmlFormValidator\Validator; require_once 'composer/autoload.php'; $html = ' <form id="register" method="post"> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="user[email]" value="" data-validator="email" data-filter="trim" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-message--email="Your email [%s] address is not correct." data-error-template-selector="span#email-error-message-template" required="required" > <span style="color: red;" id="email-error-message-template"></span> <label for="username">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="user[name]" value="" data-validator="notEmpty|maxLength(100)" data-filter="strip_tags(<p>)|trim|escape" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-template-selector="span#username-error-message-template" required="required" > <span style="color: red;" id="username-error-message-template"></span> <label for="date">Date:</label> <input type="text" id="date" name="user[date]" value="" data-validator="dateGerman|notEmpty" data-filter="trim" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-message--dateGerman="Date is not correct." data-error-message--notEmpty="Date is empty." data-error-template-selector="span#date-error-message-template" required="required" > <span style="color: red;" id="date-error-message-template"></span> <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> '; $formValidator = new Validator($html); // fake some data $_POST = [ 'user' => [ 'email' => 'foo@isanemail', 'name' => 'bar', ], ]; // validate the form $formValidatorResult = $formValidator->validate($_POST); // check the result static::assertFalse($formValidatorResult->isSuccess()); // get the error messages static::assertSame( [ 'user[email]' => ['Your email [foo@isanemail] address is not correct.'], 'user[date]' => [ 'Date is not correct.', 'Date is empty.', ], ], $formValidatorResult->getErrorMessages() ); // get the new html static::assertSame( ' <form id="register" method="post"> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="user[email]" value="" data-validator="email" data-filter="trim" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-message--email="Your email [%s] address is not correct." data-error-template-selector="span#email-error-message-template" required="required" aria-invalid="true" > <span style="color: red;" id="email-error-message-template">Your email [foo@isanemail] address is not correct.</span> <label for="username">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="user[name]" value="bar" data-validator="notEmpty|maxLength(100)" data-filter="strip_tags(<p>)|trim|escape" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-template-selector="span#username-error-message-template" required="required" aria-invalid="false" > <span style="color: red;" id="username-error-message-template"></span> <label for="date">Date:</label> <input type="text" id="date" name="user[date]" value="" data-validator="dateGerman|notEmpty" data-filter="trim" data-error-class="error-foo-bar" data-error-message--dategerman="Date is not correct." data-error-message--notempty="Date is empty." data-error-template-selector="span#date-error-message-template" required="required" aria-invalid="true" > <span style="color: red;" id="date-error-message-template">Date is not correct. Date is empty.</span> <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> ', $formValidatorResult->getHtml() );
You can use all validators from here.
e.g.: data-validator="date"
|| data-validator="' . \Respect\Validation\Rules\Date::class . '"
(you need to lowercase the first letter from the class or you can use the class name itself)
You can combine validators simply via "|" ...
e.g.: data-validator="notEmpty|maxLength(100)"
PS: you can add arguments comma separated or you can use serialize -> something like that -> in(' . serialize($selectableValues) . ')
If you want to use the HTML5 validation e.g. for min or max values, or for e.g. email then you can use "auto".
e.g.: data-validator="auto"
By default we limit the submitted values to the values from the form e.g. for checkboxes, radios or select boxes. If you need to disable this, you can use "non-strict". (not recommended)
e.g.: data-validator="non-strict"
By default we use the error messages from the validation exception class, but you can use your own error messages via: "data-error-message--RULE_NAME_HERE" in the html.
e.g.: data-error-message--email="Email [%s] is not correct"
By default we don't add error messages into html output, but you can add the error messages with a css selector:
e.g.: data-error-template-selector="span#email-error-message-template"
By default we also don't add error classes, but you can add a new error class via:
e.g. data-error-class="error-foo-bar"
And if you need a more complex validation, then you can add simple-custom validations.
$formValidator->addCustomRule( 'foobar', \Respect\Validation\Validator::allOf( \Respect\Validation\Validator::intVal(), \Respect\Validation\Validator::positive() ) );
e.g.: data-validator="foobar"
And if you need really complex validation, then you can create your own classes.
<?php namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; class CustomRule extends AbstractRule { /** * @param string $value * * @return bool */ public function validate($value) { return ($value === 'foobar'); } }
<?php namespace Respect\Validation\Exceptions; class CustomRuleException extends ValidationException { public static $defaultTemplates = [ self::MODE_DEFAULT => [ self::STANDARD => 'Invalid input... \'foobar\' is only allowed here... ', ], self::MODE_NEGATIVE => [ self::STANDARD => 'Invalid input... \'foobar\' is not allowed here... ', ], ]; }
$formValidator->addCustomRule('foobar', \Respect\Validation\Rules\CustomRule::class);
e.g.: data-validator="foobar"
You can also use some simple filters, that will be applied on the input-data.
- trim
- escape (htmlentities with ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5)
- ... and all methods from here
e.g.: data-filter="strip_tags(<p>)"
PS: the first argument will be the submitted value from the user
And also here you can combine some filters simply via "|" ...
e.g.: data-filter="strip_tags|trim|escape"
... and you can also add custom filters by your own.
$formValidator->addCustomFilter( 'append_lall', function ($input) { return $input . 'lall'; } );
e.g.: data-filter="append_lall"
Unit Test
- Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests.
composer install voku/HtmlFormValidator
- The tests can be executed by running this command from the root directory:
For support and donations please visit Github | Issues | PayPal | Patreon.
For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.
For professional support please contact me.
- Thanks to GitHub (Microsoft) for hosting the code and a good infrastructure including Issues-Managment, etc.
- Thanks to IntelliJ as they make the best IDEs for PHP and they gave me an open source license for PhpStorm!
- Thanks to Travis CI for being the most awesome, easiest continous integration tool out there!
- Thanks to StyleCI for the simple but powerfull code style check.
- Thanks to PHPStan && Psalm for relly great Static analysis tools and for discover bugs in the code!