
Symfony mapper bundle, easy way to convert data.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v0.5.1 2021-05-28 12:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-12-01 00:12:29 UTC


Build Status

Why use VKMapperBundle?

Bundle makes the process of binding all your data mapping rules a lot more easy by providing annotation declarations. You can extract content from objects and fill objects from raw arrays. Instead of slow and dummy reflection classes, the bundle uses fast and performance optimized code generator. All mapping and DI configurations use native symfony cache and lazy loading.

VKMapperBundle uses customized performance strategies:

  • Converts Object to array
  • Extracts Object to array
  • Puts data from array into Object


The suggested installation method's via composer:

php composer.phar require symfony-ext/dto-mapper-bundle


Register bundle in bundles.php file.


return [
    VKMapperBundle\VKMapperBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Tag directory with classes that you want add to mapping.

      resource: '../../DataFixtures/Dto/*'
        - { name: dto_mapper.annotated }
      resource: '../../DataFixtures/Model/*'
        - { name: dto_mapper.annotated }

Fill in the directory you tagged with annotated classes. Class example:


namespace Tests\DataFixtures\Dto;

use VKMapperBundle\Annotation\MappingMeta\SourceClass;
use VKMapperBundle\Annotation\MappingMeta\DestinationClass;
use VKMapperBundle\Annotation\MappingMeta\Strategy;

 * @SourceClass
class Source
     * @Strategy\XPathStrategy(xPath="nodeA.inner.optionA")
    public $nodeA;

 * @DestinationClass 
class Destination
     * Contains value optionA.
    public $nodeA;


Inject MapperInterface into your service.


use DataMapper\MapperInterface;

class DataTransformer
    public function __construct(MapperInterface $mapper);

Convert source to dto object:

use DataMapper\MapperInterface;

/** @var MapperInterface $mapper */
$mapper->convert($source, $destination);

Extract content from object into array:

use DataMapper\MapperInterface;

/** @var MapperInterface $mapper */


You can learn more about the bundle possibilities and how to use the VKMapperBundle in the docs.