
Http Router for handling request path

v1.0.11 2019-06-07 23:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:51:32 UTC


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make sure your php version > 7.0

composer require viloveul/router


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// init collection object
$collection = new Viloveul\Router\Collection();

// declare class controller for handler
class MyController
	public function look($name)
		return $name;

// declare hello handler from my controller
$helloRoute = new Viloveul\Router\Route('GET /hello/:name', [MyController::class, 'look']);
// or 
// $helloRoute = new Viloveul\Router\Route('GET /hello/:name', [MyController::class, 'look']);
// add foo to collection

// declare foo handler
$fooRoute = new Viloveul\Router\Route('GET /foo/{:bar}', function($bar) {
	return $bar;
// add foo to collection

// declare test handler
$testRoute = new Viloveul\Router\Route('/test/:name', [
	'method' => 'GET|POST|PUT|PATCH',
	'handler' => function ($name) {
		return $name;
// add test to collection

// init object dispatcher with collection
$router = new Viloveul\Router\Dispatcher($collection);

// in action

$router->dispatch('GET', Zend\Diactoros\UriFactory::createUri('/hello/zafex'));
$route1 = $router->routed();

$router->dispatch('GET', Zend\Diactoros\UriFactory::createUri('/foo/hello-world'));
$route2 = $router->routed();

$router->dispatch('GET', Zend\Diactoros\UriFactory::createUri('/test/fajrul-akbar-zuhdi'));
$route3 = $router->routed();

var_dump($route1, $route2, $route3);