This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

v1.2.0 2016-08-19 10:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-16 23:32:57 UTC


User-friendly PHP application deployment and set-up.

clic keeps track of applications and their configuration parameters, helps with setting up deploy keys for private git repositories, and helps with publishing the application by linking the application to a publically accessible location.


clic is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

See the file for a full copy of the license.


Option 1: As a phar file (with phar-composer)

The preferred way to install clic is with the phar-composer tool. You will first need to install phar-composer. It is a very useful tool that allows you to create runnable phar files from Composer packages.

If you have phar-composer installed, you can run:

sudo phar-composer install vierbergenlars/clic

to have it build and install the phar file in your $PATH, which allows you to run it as clic from the commandline.

Or you can run

phar-composer build vierbergenlars/clic

and copy the resulting phar file manually to where you want it.

Option 2: As a phar file (download)

If you do not want to install phar-composer, you can download the clic.phar file from the latest release.

Don't forget to make the file executable with chmod +x clic.phar and move it somewhere within your $PATH.

Option 3: As a global composer installation

clic can be installed with composer.

composer global require vierbergenlars/clic

You can use this to install CLI utilities globally, all you need is to add the COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin dir to your PATH env var.

COMPOSER_HOME is c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer on Windows and /home/<user>/.composer on unix systems.

Option 4: From source

clic can also be installed by downloading and extracting an archive or cloning the repository.

Next, run a composer install within the application's directory to install dependencies.

Finally, add the bin/ folder to your PATH, or to symlink bin/clic to a folder in your PATH.

Initial configuration

Initial configuration and setup of directories are set up with clic config:init

Global configuration is stored in ~/.clic-settings.json (or the file referred to with the --config option) More information about the file format is available in the documentation, though you probably do not need to edit this file manually.


You clone/extract applications from a repository or tarball. Then a script to complete the install and enter configuration parameters is launched as defined in the applications' .cliconfig.json file. The application may then be made publicly accessible by adding vhost that refers to the application. This is a symlink that has the applications' web-dir as target. This way files that should not be publicly accessible are kept out of the document root.


Commands to manipulate applications are available within the application namespace

application:add           Add an existing application
application:clone         Create a new application from remote repository
application:execute       Executes application scripts
application:extract       Create a new application from an archive
application:list          Lists all applications
application:override      Changes the configuration file for an application
application:remove        Removes an application
application:show          Shows application information
application:variable:get  Shows variable value for an application
application:variable:set  Sets variable value for an application

Details are available in the application section of the documentation


Commands to manipulate vhosts are available within the vhost namespace.

vhost:add                 Add web-accessible entrypoint to an application
vhost:disable             Disables one or more vhosts
vhost:enable              Enables one or more vhosts
vhost:fix                 Fixes one or more vhosts
vhost:list                Lists all vhosts
vhost:remove              Remove web-accessible entrypoint to an application
vhost:show                Shows vhost information

Details are available in the vhost section of the documentation


Ssh deploy keys for private repositories can also be managed with clic. They are available in the repository namespace.

repository:add            Add deploy key to a repository
repository:generate-key   Generates deploy key to a repository
repository:list           Lists all repositories
repository:remove         Remove deploy key from a repository
repository:show           Shows repository information

Details are available in the repository section of the documentation


All configuration parameters can be manipulated with the commands in the config namespace. These are low-level commands, most of the time higher-level commands are used to manipulate these values.

config:get                   Shows configuration value
config:init                  Initialize configuration
config:set                   Sets configuration values
config:unset                 Removes configuration values

Details are available in the config section of the documentation
