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KaaVii (pronounced kay-vee) is a package to provide components to interact with Redis for cache and key-value data storage

1.0.1 2015-11-19 05:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 15:43:22 UTC


Kaavii (pronounced kay-vee) is a simple library to provide functionality to interact with Redis for cache and key-value data storage. Kaavii is designed to provide a very basic set of tools perfect for simple applications or rapid prototyping.

Build Status

Kaavii requires PHP >=5.4 and the Redis extension.

I create Kaavii because I like using Redis. Cache and simple storage are the two cases I use Redis for most often, and I wanted a consistent way to get set up and using Redis for these.

Add this to your composer.json's require section and update Composer

"vicgarcia/kaavii": "1.0.*"


The Kaavii\Redis class will be your starting point for using Kaavii. This class provides a globally accessible array for Redis configuration data as well as access to a factory method for creating \Redis client objects.

To use it, you provide an array of configuration data, either as a global configuration or as a parameter to the factory method call.

// config array looks like so ...
$config = array(
    'scheme'   => 'tcp',
    'host'     => <ip or hostname>,
    'port'     => <port>,
    'database' => <# of db to use>,
    'password' => <password>,
// nb: see code for use w/ unix socket

// using Kaavii global configuration for Redis

// with a file ...
Kaavii\Redis::$config = require 'config/redis.php';

// with an array ...
Kaavii\Redis::$config = [
    'sheme' => tcp,
    'host' => '',
    'port' => '6379'

// getting a redis client object
$redis = Kaavii\Redis::connect();

// per-instance config can be provided as method param
$redis = Kaavii\Redis::connect($config);

// the $redis object is the PHP extension \Redis class

Use the factory method to create a new \Redis client. The \Redis client is injected as a dependency in the constructor of other Kaavii components.

Kaavii\Cache and Kaavii\NoCache

The Kaavii\Cache object is used to provide functionality to cache data to Redis.

Objects are serialized before being stored in the Redis cache, and are unserialized when they are retrieved. Any object that supports serialization can be cached.

// configure redis and connect
Kaavii\Redis::$config = require 'config/redis.php';
$redis = Kaavii\Redis::connect();

// a prefix is prepended to keys, seperated by a colon
// this type of namespacing is convention with Redis
$prefix = 'cache';

// create cache object
$cache = new Kaavii\Cache($redis, $prefix);

// a simple cache block
if ( ($lifestream = $cache->load('lifestream')) === false ) {
    $lifestream = (new Lifestream())->getCurrent();
    $cache->save('lifestream', $lifestream, 14400);

// delete a cached value by key

// clear all cached values, requires a prefix was used above

The Kaavii\NoCache object is provided for use when you would like to disable the cache functionality. When using this object, there is no action taken when objects are saved to the cache, and objects are never retrieved from the cache.

// a NoCache object needs no Redis client
$env = 'dev';
$cache = new Kaavii\NoCache;
if ($env == 'prod') {
    // not called when $env is 'dev' as it is
    $cache = new Kaavii\Cache(Kaavii\Redis::connect(), 'cache');

// with NoCache, the code within the block will always execute
if ( ($weatherchart = $cache->load('weatherchart')) === false ) {
    $weatherchart = (new WeatherChart())->getDaily();

    // with NoCache, nothing is 'saved', the method simply returns
    $cache->save('weatherchart', $weatherchart);


The Kaavii\Storage component is a simple way to use Redis as a key value storage. It provides handling for namespaced keys and serialization of the value data throught the use of simple get() and set() methods.

// configure redis and connect
Kaavii\Redis::$config = require 'config/redis.php';
$redis = Kaavii\Redis::connect();

// create storage object
$storage = new Kaavii\Storage($redis, 'prefix');

// get a value from storage
$value = $storage->get('key');

// save value to storage
$storage->set('key', $value);

// delete a key

// get all keys, requires a prefix be used above
$keys = $storage->keys();

Usage With Slim Framework

Kaavii was created mostly for my own use in Slim framework applications.

// static config for redis is provided in bootstrap.php

// setup a singleton method for the cache
$app->container->singleton('cache', function() use{
    if ($GLOBALS['environment'] == 'production')
        return new Kaavii\Cache( Kaavii\Redis::connect() );
    return new Kaavii\NoCache;

// now you can use the cache as part of the app object
$app->get('/stations', function() use ($app) {
    if (($stations = $app->cache->load('stations')) === false) {
        $stations = $app->divvy->getStationsData();
        $app->cache->save('stations', $stations, 600);
    echo json_encode($stations);