
Viva Wallet Native Checkout V2 API

1 2020-07-21 15:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 06:40:10 UTC


This package is based on Aleksey Kuleshov work.

Has been modded to suit my needs.

This is a wrapper for Native Checkout V2 API of Viva Wallet:

How to use

This library is installed via Composer. You will need to require vgspedro/vivaapi:

composer require vgspedro/vivaapi

Symfony framework

Create the Controler


namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

use App\Service\VivaWallet;

class PaymentController extends AbstractController
    private $environment;
    private $amount = 36812;

    public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;
        $this->amount = 36812;

    public function index(VivaWallet $viva)

        return $this->render('admin/payment/native.html', [
            'amount' => $this->amount,
            'viva_token' => $viva->getCardChargeToken(),
            'sf_v' => \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::VERSION,
            'payment_url' => $this->environment->get("kernel.environment") == 'prod' ? '' : '',

    * Make some transations accordind the "action" value from the form
    public function submit(Request $request, VivaWallet $viva)
        $pre_auth = $request->request->get('action') == 'authorization' ? false : true;

        $client = [
            'email' => $request->request->get('email'),
            'phone' => $request->request->get('phone'),
            'full_name' => $request->request->get('name'),
            'request_lang' => 'pt',
            'country_code' => 'PT'

        $transaction = [
            'amount' => $this->amount,
            'installments' => 1,
            'charge_token' => $request->request->get('token'),
            'merchant_trans' => 'Information to the Merchant',
            'customer_trans' => 'Information to the Client ' .$request->request->get('action'),
            'tip_amount' => 0,
            'pre_auth' => $pre_auth,
            'currency_code' => 978//

        if($request->request->get('action') == 'charge'){
            $charge = $viva->setCharge($client, $transaction);
            //Something went wrong send info to user
            if ($charge['status'] == 0)
                return new JsonResponse([
                    'status' => 0,
                    'message' => $charge['data'],
                    'data' => $charge

            return new JsonResponse([
                'status' => 1,
                'message' => $charge['data'],
                'data' => $trans

        else if($request->request->get('action') == 'authorization'){    
            $charge = $viva->setAutorization($client, $transaction);
            //Something went wrong send info to user
            if ($charge['status'] == 0)
                return new JsonResponse([
                    'status' => 0,
                    'message' => $charge['data'],
                    'data' => $charge
            return new JsonResponse([
                'status' => 1,
                'message' => $charge['data'],
                'data' => $charge


        else if($request->request->get('action') == 'charge_capture'){
            $charge = $viva->setCharge($client, $transaction);
            //Something went wrong send info to user
            if ($charge['status'] == 0)
                return new JsonResponse([
                    'status' => 0,
                    'message' => $charge['data'],
                    'data' => $charge
            $capture = $viva->setCapture($charge['data']->transactionId, $transaction['amount']);
            return new JsonResponse([
                'status' => 1,
                'message' => $capture['data'],
                'data' => $capture

        else if($request->request->get('action') == 'charge_cancel'){
            $charge = $viva->setCharge($client, $transaction);

            //Something went wrong send info to user
            if ($charge['status'] == 0)
                return new JsonResponse([
                    'status' => 0,
                    'message' => $charge['data'],
                    'data' => $charge
            $cancel = $viva->setCancel($charge['data']->transactionId, $transaction['amount']);
            return new JsonResponse([
                'status' => 1,
                'message' => $cancel['data'],
                'data' => $cancel


        //Something went wrong send info to user
            return new JsonResponse([
                'status' => 0,
                'message' => 'Not Processed',
                'data' => null


Create the Service


namespace App\Service;

use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Authorization;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Url;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Customer;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Charge;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Capture;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Cancel;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\ChargeToken;
use \VgsPedro\VivaApi\Transaction\Installments;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;

class VivaWallet

	private $test_mode; // Boolean 
 	private $client_id; // Client ID, Provided by wallet
 	private $client_secret; // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
    private $url; // Url to make request, sandbox or live (sandbox APP_ENV=dev or test) (live APP_ENV=prod)
    private $merchant_id; //Merchant ID , Provided by wallet
    private $api_key; //Api Key, Provided by wallet
	private $headers; //Set the authorization to curl

    public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $environment){
		$this->test_mode = true;
 		$this->client_id = '';
		$this->client_secret = '4M7ug3jfUh1wZ2Q442Y0L3MDxHz35E';
		$this->api_key = '71-}w%';
        $this->url = $environment->get("kernel.environment") == 'prod' ? '' : '';

	* Create an authentication Token to pass to client side js  
	* @return string $accessToken 
	public function getCardChargeToken(){

		$baseUrl = Url::getUrl($this->test_mode); //Test mode, default is false
		$accessToken = (new Authorization())
		->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
		->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
		->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
		return $accessToken;

	* Create a charge transaction
	*@param $client // Information of the user 
	*@param $trans // Information of the charge transaction 
	public function setCharge(array $client, array $trans){

		$customer = (new Customer())

		$transaction = (new Charge())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setSourceCode('') // Source code, provided by wallet
			->setAmount($trans['amount']) // The amount to charge in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
			->setInstallments($trans['installments']) // Installments, can be skipped if not used
			->setChargeToken($trans['charge_token']) // Charge token obtained at front end
 			->setMerchantTrns( $trans['merchant_trans'])
			->setPreAuth($trans['pre_auth']); //If true, a PreAuth transaction will be performed. This will hold the selected amount as unavailable (without the customer being charged) for a period of time.

		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result

	* Create a charge transaction, the amount is captured and charged. 
	*@param $client // Information of the user 
	*@param $trans // Information of the charge transaction 
	public function setAutorization(array $client, array $trans){

		$customer = (new Customer())

		$transaction = (new Authorization())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setSourceCode('') // Source code, provided by wallet
			->setAmount($trans['amount']) // The amount to pre-auth in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
			->setInstallments($trans['installments']) // Installments, can be skipped if not used
			->setChargeToken($trans['charge_token']) // Charge token obtained at front end
			->setPreAuth($trans['pre_auth']);//If true, a PreAuth transaction will be performed. This will hold the selected amount as unavailable (without the customer being charged) for a period of time.

		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result

	* Capture a charge transaction
	*@param $t_i // Transaction id of authorization transaction
	*@param $amount // The amount to capture in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
	public function setCapture(string $t_i, int $amount){

		$transaction = (new Capture())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setTransactionId($t_i) // Transaction id of authorization transaction
			->setAmount($amount); // The amount to capture in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)

		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result

	* Cancel a charge transaction
	*@param  $t_i // Transaction id of authorization transaction
	*@param $amount // The amount to capture in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
	public function setCancel(string $t_i, int $amount){

		$transaction = (new Cancel())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setTransactionId($t_i) // Transaction id of authorization transaction
			->setAmount($amount)// The amount to capture in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
			->setSourceCode(''); // Source code, provided by wallet

		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result

	* Is possible to get charge token at backend.
	* It may be required in custom integration, more details can be found here:
	* @param $card // All the info of the card to make the charge
	* @param $url_redirect // Url to redirect when authentication session finished
	public function getChargeTokenAtBackend(array $card, string $url_redirect){

		$transaction = (new ChargeToken())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setAmount($card['amount']) // The amount in currency's smallest denomination (e.g amount in pounds x 100)
			->setCvc($card['cvc']) // Card cvc code
			->setNumber($card['card_number']) // Card number
			->setHolderName($card['holder_name']) // Card holder name
			->setExpirationYear($card['expiration_year']) // Card expiration year
			->setExpirationMonth($card['expiration_month']) // Card expiration month
			->setSessionRedirectUrl($url_redirect); // Url to redirect when authentication session finished
		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		// Get charge token
		// $chargeToken = $result->chargeToken;
		// $redirectToACSForm = $result->redirectToACSForm;	
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result


	* Check for installments
	* Retrieve the maximum number of installments allowed on a card.
	*@param $card_number // Number of the credit card
	public function getInstalments(string $card_number){

		$transaction = (new Installments())
			->setClientId($this->client_id) // Client ID, Provided by wallet
			->setClientSecret($this->client_secret) // Client Secret, Provided by wallet
			->setTestMode($this->test_mode) // Test mode, default is false, can be skipped
			->setNumber($card_number); // Card number

		$result = $transaction->send();

		if (!empty($transaction->getError()))
			return [
				'status' => 0,
				'data' => $transaction->getError()
		// Get number of installments
		// $installments = $result->maxInstallments;
		return [
			'status' => 1,
			'data' => $result

Create the Template



  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <form action="" method="POST" id="payment-form" class="container pt-4">
      <div class="form-row">
          <input type="text" size="20" name="name" autocomplete="off" value="Pedro V" />
      <div class="form-row">
          <input type="text" size="20" name="phone" autocomplete="off" value="963963963" />
      <div class="form-row">
          <input type="text" size="20" name="email" autocomplete="off" value="" />
        <div class="form-row">
            <span>Cardholder Name</span>
            <input type="text" size="20" name="txtCardHolder" autocomplete="off" data-vp="cardholder" value="Pedro" />

        <div class="form-row">
                <span>Card Number</span>
                <input type="text" size="20" name="txtCardNumber" autocomplete="off" data-vp="cardnumber" value="4111111111111111" />
        <div class="form-row">
                <input type="text" name="txtCVV" size="4" autocomplete="off" data-vp="cvv" value="111" />
        <div class="form-row">
            <span>Expiration (MM/YYYY)</span>
          <input type="text" size="2" name="txtMonth" autocomplete="off" data-vp="month" value="10" />
          <span> / </span>
          <input type="text" size="04" name="txtYear" autocomplete="off" data-vp="year" value="2024" />
        <input name="token" type="hidden">
           <div class="form-row">
        <label title="Check your VivaWallet account to see the current status of the Payment"> Payment Actions
          <select name="action">
            <option value="charge">Charge Only</option>
            <option value="authorization">Authorized</option>
            <option value="charge_capture">Charge & Capture</option>
            <option value="charge_cancel">Charge & Cancel</option>
        <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" id="submit">Submit Payment </button>
	Charge Only = Create a transaction to be Captured<br>
	Authorized = Create a transaction and Captured the amount<br>
	Charge & Capture = Create a transaction then Capture the amount<br>
	Charge & Cancel = Create a transaction then Cancel the transaction<br>

    <div id="threed-pane" style="height: 450px;width:500px"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function () {{
          baseURL: '{{ payment_url }}',
          authToken: '{{ viva_token }}',
          cardHolderAuthOptions: {
            cardHolderAuthPlaceholderId: 'threed-pane',
              cardHolderAuthInitiated: function () {
              cardHolderAuthFinished: function () {
            installmentsHandler: function (response) {
              if (!response.Error) {
                if (response.MaxInstallments == 0)
                for (i = 1; i <= response.MaxInstallments; i++) {
              else {
          $('#submit').on('click', function (evt) {
              amount: {{amount}}
            }).done(function (data) {


                  type: "POST",
                  data: $('#payment-form').serialize(),
                  cache: false,
                  success: function(data){  
                    if (data.status == 1){
                      toastr['success']('{%trans%}success{%endtrans%} - Transaction '+data.message.transactionId);
                    else if (data.status == 0){
                      for(var i in
                        obj +=[i]+'<br>';
            }, 500)
          .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus){
            statusCodes(jqXHR.Error.ErrorCode, jqXHR.Error.ErrorText)

    function statusCodes(code, error){
      code = Number(code)
      if(code >= 400 && code <= 499)
        toastr['info'](code+' '+error);
      else if (code >= 500 && code <= 599)
        toastr['error'](code+' '+error);
      toastr['error']('Internet connection'); 


Add the Routes


payment: path: /admin/payment controller: App\Controller\PaymentController::index

payment_submit: path: /admin/payment-submit controller: App\Controller\PaymentController::submit condition: 'request.isXmlHttpRequest()' methods: [POST]

PreAuth from

PreAuth boolean Default: false If true, a PreAuth transaction will be performed. This will hold the selected amount as unavailable (without the customer being charged) for a period of time.

PreAuth transactions with a debit card or credit card hold the balance as unavailable either until the merchant clears the transaction or the hold "falls off". In the case of debit cards, authorization holds can fall off the account (thus rendering the balance available again) anywhere from 1–5 days after the transaction date depending on the bank's policy; in the case of credit cards, holds may last as long as 30 days, depending on the issuing bank.


Complete prerequisite steps from and obtain your Client ID and Client Secret. You'll need to set up a payment source with Native Checkout V2 as the integration method and get a Source Code.

Get card charge token

Create payment form and Charge Token at front end as described here: You'll need to have Access Token and Base URL at front end and you can get them as follows:

Unit tests

Tests are run by ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests. Although the library code is designed to be compatible with php 5.6, testing requires php 7.3 as minimum because of phpunit version 9.