There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.2) of this package.

v0.2 2018-09-25 06:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:29 UTC


This Laravel package adds frontend views, routes and assets to a Versatile project.

It comes with a basic structure for frontend layouts (eg. header, footer, etc) and theme assets using the Foundation framework.

Disclaimer (pt_BR)

Este repositório ainda está em desenvolvimento. Contém partes do pacote pvtl/voyager-frontend.



1. Install Laravel + Versatile (Replace the $VARs with your own values)

# 1.0 Install Laravel
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel $DIR_NAME

# 1.1 Require Versatile
cd $DIR_NAME && composer require versatilecms/core

# 1.2 Copy .env.example to .env and update the DB & App URL config
cp .env.example .env

# 1.3 Generate a Laravel key
php artisan key:generate

# 1.4 Run the Versatile Installer
php artisan versatile:install

# 1.5 Create a Versatile Admin User
php artisan versatile:admin $YOUR_EMAIL --create

2. Install Versatile Frontend

# 2.0 Require this Package in your fresh Laravel/Versatile project
composer require versatilecms/front

# 2.1 Run the Installer
composer dump-autoload && php artisan versatile-frontend:install

# 2.3 Build the front-end theme assets
npm run dev

# 2.4 Set the Laravel search driver in your .env
echo "SCOUT_DRIVER=tntsearch" >> .env

Any issues? See the troubleshooting section below.

'Got Cron'?

This is a just a reminder to setup the standard Laravel cron on your server. The Versatile Frontend package has a few scheduled tasks, so relies on the cron running.

* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Thumbnails / Image Resizing

This package comes with an automatic image resize function. When you reference an image in your front-end blade templates, simply call something like:

{{ image_url($pathToImage, $width, $height, $config = ['crop' => false, 'quality' => 100] ) ?: '/default.png' }}

<!-- For example (where $blockData->image = 'blocks/3hkkskd8.jpg'): -->
<img src="{{ image_url($blockData->image, 300) ?: '/default.png' }}" />

"CDN" your images

The function will output an absolute URL, where the hostname will be APP_URL - however you can add a ASSET_URL variable to your .env file to use a different hostname.


Generating Indices

This module contains a scheduled job to regenerate indices which will run automatically once you setup jobs for Laravel. If you need to test and re-generate search indices you can manually run the command php artisan versatile-frontend:generate-search-indices.

Configuring Search (Using Laravel Scout)

By default this module includes "searching" the "Pages" and "Posts" Models out-of-the-box once you have defined the following variable in your .env file - check out the Laravel Scout documentation:


You can however extend and define your own "Searchable" Models to include in your search results by attaching the "Searchable" trait to them.

class Page extends BaseModel
    use Searchable;

    public $asYouType = false;

     * Get the indexed data array for the model.
     * @return array
    public function toSearchableArray()
        $array = $this->toArray();

        // customise the searchable array
        return $array

Then you'll be able to hook into the search config and merge your "Searchable" Models in with the config key (preferably using a Servie Provider): scout.tntsearch.searchableModels.

$this->mergeConfigFrom($this->packagePath . 'path/to/config/scout.php', 'scout.tntsearch.searchableModels');

Your configuration file should contain values similar to this modules scout.php configuration:


return [