verdigado / gruene-api-client
## OpenAPI Endpoints <a href="/api-json">OpenAPI Spec in JSON</a><br> <a href="/api-yaml">OpenAPI Spec in YAML</a><br> ### Offboarding Every service conntected to Grünes Netz needs to remove users when they are removed from ``. Connected services need to pull a list of users waiting f
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0
OpenAPI Endpoints
<a href="/api-json">OpenAPI Spec in JSON
<a href="/api-yaml">OpenAPI Spec in YAML
Every service conntected to Grünes Netz needs to remove users when they are removed from
Connected services need to pull a list of users waiting for removal at least once a week. needs to be informed whether the user did not exist or was removed.
API tokens can be obtained from
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev" } }
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/OpenAPIClient-php/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: bearer $config = Verdigado\GrueneApiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'); $apiInstance = new Verdigado\GrueneApiClient\Api\CampaignsApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $poi_id = 'poi_id_example'; // string $image = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject try { $result = $apiInstance->addPoiPhoto($poi_id, $image); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling CampaignsApi->addPoiPhoto: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CampaignsApi | addPoiPhoto | POST /v1/campaigns/pois/{poiId}/photos | Add POI photo |
CampaignsApi | createArea | POST /v1/campaigns/areas | Create a new Area |
CampaignsApi | createExperienceArea | POST /v1/campaigns/experience-areas | Create a new ExperienceArea |
CampaignsApi | createFocusArea | POST /v1/campaigns/focus-areas | Create a new FocusArea |
CampaignsApi | createPoi | POST /v1/campaigns/pois | Create a new POI |
CampaignsApi | deleteArea | DELETE /v1/campaigns/areas/{areaId} | Delete an Area |
CampaignsApi | deleteExperienceArea | DELETE /v1/campaigns/experience-areas/{experienceAreaId} | Delete a ExperienceArea |
CampaignsApi | deleteFocusArea | DELETE /v1/campaigns/focus-areas/{focusAreaId} | Delete a FocusArea |
CampaignsApi | deletePoi | DELETE /v1/campaigns/pois/{poiId} | Delete a POI |
CampaignsApi | deletePoiPhoto | DELETE /v1/campaigns/pois/{poiId}/photos/{photoId} | Delete a POI Photo |
CampaignsApi | findAreas | GET /v1/campaigns/areas | Find Areas |
CampaignsApi | findExperienceAreas | GET /v1/campaigns/experience-areas | Find ExperienceAreas |
CampaignsApi | findFocusAreas | GET /v1/campaigns/focus-areas | Find FocusAreas |
CampaignsApi | findOwnAreas | GET /v1/campaigns/areas/self | Find own Areas |
CampaignsApi | findOwnPois | GET /v1/campaigns/pois/self | Find own POIs |
CampaignsApi | findPois | GET /v1/campaigns/pois | Find POIs |
CampaignsApi | getArea | GET /v1/campaigns/areas/{areaId} | Get an Area |
CampaignsApi | getExperienceArea | GET /v1/campaigns/experience-areas/{experienceAreaId} | Get a ExperienceArea |
CampaignsApi | getFocusArea | GET /v1/campaigns/focus-areas/{focusAreaId} | Get a FocusArea |
CampaignsApi | getPoi | GET /v1/campaigns/pois/{poiId} | Get a POI |
CampaignsApi | updateArea | PUT /v1/campaigns/areas/{areaId} | Update an Area |
CampaignsApi | updateExperienceArea | PUT /v1/campaigns/experience-areas/{experienceAreaId} | Update a ExperienceArea |
CampaignsApi | updateFocusArea | PUT /v1/campaigns/focus-areas/{focusAreaId} | Update a FocusArea |
CampaignsApi | updatePoi | PUT /v1/campaigns/pois/{poiId} | Update a POI |
DefaultApi | clientInfoControllerGetClientInfo | GET /v1/client-info | |
DivisionsApi | findDivisions | GET /v1/divisions | Find divisions |
DivisionsApi | getDivision | GET /v1/divisions/{divisionId} | Get division by id |
GnetzApplicationsApi | findGnetzApplications | GET /v1/gnetz-applications | Find GNetz Applications |
HealthApi | healthGet | GET /health | |
NbApiApi | findGroups | GET /v1/party/groups | Find all groups |
NbApiApi | findOrganizations | GET /v1/party/organizations | Find all organizations |
NbApiApi | findRegionalChapters | GET /v1/party/regionalchapters | Find all regional chapters |
NbApiApi | getRegionalChapter | GET /v1/party/regionalchapters/{divisionKey} | Get regional chapter by division key |
NewsApi | findNews | GET /v1/news | Find news |
NewsApi | getNews | GET /v1/news/{newsId} | Get a news post |
OffboardingApi | batchUpdateOffboardingServiceUsers | POST /v1/offboarding/users/self/batch | Batch update offboarding users for the authenticated service. |
OffboardingApi | findUsersToOffboard | GET /v1/offboarding/users/self | Find users to offboard for the service associated with the used credentials |
ProfilesApi | createProfile | POST /v1/profiles | Create user profile |
ProfilesApi | deleteProfile | DELETE /v1/profiles/{profileId} | Delete user profile |
ProfilesApi | deleteProfileImage | DELETE /v1/profiles/{profileId}/image | Delete user profile image |
ProfilesApi | findProfileTags | GET /v1/profile-tags | List profile tags |
ProfilesApi | findProfiles | GET /v1/profiles | Find user profiles |
ProfilesApi | getOwnProfile | GET /v1/profiles/self | Get the authenticated user's profile |
ProfilesApi | getProfile | GET /v1/profiles/{profileId} | Get a user profile |
ProfilesApi | updateProfile | PUT /v1/profiles/{profileId} | Update user profile |
ProfilesApi | updateProfileImage | PUT /v1/profiles/{profileId}/image | Update profile image |
RolesApi | findRoleCategories | GET /v1/role-categories | Find role categories |
RolesApi | findRoleTags | GET /v1/role-tags | Find role tags |
RolesApi | findRoles | GET /v1/roles | Find roles |
RolesApi | getRole | GET /v1/roles/{roleId} | Get role by id |
UsersApi | findUsers | GET /v1/users | Find users |
UsersApi | getSelf | GET /v1/users/self | Get the authenticated user |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /v1/users/{userId} | Get user by id |
UsersApi | getUserRbacStructure | GET /v1/users/{userId}/rbac-structure | Get user RBAC structure |
- Address
- Area
- AreaFlyerSpot
- AreaHouse
- BatchUpdateOffboardingServiceUsers
- ClientInfo
- CreateArea
- CreateExperienceArea
- CreateFocusArea
- CreatePoi
- CreateProfile
- Division
- DivisionEmail
- DivisionMembership
- DivisionOfficeAddress
- ExperienceArea
- FindAreasResponse
- FindDivisionsResponse
- FindExperienceAreasResponse
- FindFocusAreasResponse
- FindGnetzApplicationsResponse
- FindNbGroupsResponse
- FindNbOrganizationsResponse
- FindNbRegionalChaptersResponse
- FindNewsResponse
- FindOffboardingUsersResponse
- FindPoisResponse
- FindProfileTagsResponse
- FindProfilesResponse
- FindRoleCategoriesResponse
- FindRoleTagsResponse
- FindRolesResponse
- FindUsersResponse
- FocusArea
- GnetzApplication
- GnetzApplicationCategory
- HealthCheckResponse
- HealthCheckResponseErrorValue
- HealthCheckResponseInfoValue
- Image
- ImageLink
- ImageSrcSet
- KeysetPaginationMeta
- MessengerEntry
- NbExternalRef
- NbGroup
- NbOrganization
- NbRegionalChapter
- News
- NewsBody
- NewsCategory
- OffboardingUserInfo
- OffsetPaginationMeta
- PhoneNumberEntry
- Poi
- PoiAddress
- PoiFlyerSpot
- PoiHouse
- PoiPoster
- Polygon
- Profile
- ProfileImage
- ProfilePrivacySettings
- ProfileRole
- ProfileTag
- PublicProfile
- Role
- RoleAlias
- RoleCategory
- RoleTag
- SocialMediaEntry
- UpdateArea
- UpdateExperienceArea
- UpdateFocusArea
- UpdateMessengerEntry
- UpdatePhoneNumber
- UpdatePoi
- UpdateProfile
- UpdateSocialMediaEntry
- UpsertOffboardingServiceUser
- User
- UserRbacGroup
- UserRbacRole
- UserRbacStructure
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Package version:
- Build package: