
Trustbadge Reviews for WooCommerce.

4.0.17 2023-02-01 12:53 UTC


=== Trustbadge Reviews for WooCommerce (Outdated) ===
Contributors: vendidero, trustbadge
Tags: advanced reviews, badge, best reviews, business ratings, business reviews, confirm email reviews, google rating, google shopping, product ratings, product reviews, rate products, rating summary, Rating Widget, ratings, reputation, review widget, review, reviews easy, reviews, rich snippets, seal,  seo, star rating, stars, trust, trustbadge, trusted reviews, trusted shops, ts, user rating, user reviews, woocommerce trusted shops, woocommerce
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.1
WC requires at least: 3.4
WC tested up to: 7.3
Stable tag: 4.0.17
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Show that your customers love you with reviews in your online store and boost your business with the free Trustbadge Reviews Plugin for WooCommerce.
== Description ==

= We have news for you! =

Are you looking for the easiest and fastest way to link Trusted Shops to your WooCommerce? Then you are in the right place, just at the wrong time: The plugin on this page is outdated and technically no longer supported. But the new Trusted Shops plugin is already waiting for you in the WordPress Marketplace:

[Trusted Shops Easy Integration](

If you are currently using the outdated plugin, you should switch to the new Trusted Shops Easy Integration today:

* Uninstall the plugin using [these instructions](
* Install the Trusted Shops Easy Integration using [these instructions](
* Configure the new plugin according to your wishes. [These instructions]( will help you with this.

== Installation ==

= Minimal Requirements =

* WordPress 4.9 or newer
* WooCommerce 3.0
* PHP Version 5.6 or newer

= Shortcodes =

Use this shortcode to embed your updated Trusted Shops Rich Snippets within your post/page or product description.

Embed your Trusted Shops Review Image within your post/page or product description.

Embed your Trusted Shops Badge within your content.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do you need help with Trustbadge Reviews for WooCommerce? =
A detailed integration manual can be found in our [Help Centre](

= How can I become a Trusted Shops Member? =
You can find out more about the products and benefits of Trusted Shops on our [website]( or by calling: +44 23364 5906

== Screenshots ==

1. Screenshot 1
2. Screenshot 2
3. Screenshot 3
4. Screenshot 4
5. Screenshot 5

== Changelog ==
= 4.0.17 =
* Improvement: Smooth migration to TS New Gen

= 4.0.15 =
* Improvement: PHP Code Sniffer fixes

= 4.0.14 =
* Improvement: Harden URL escaping

= 4.0.13 =
* Improvement: Force parent GTIN/MPN within trusted shops wrapper

= 4.0.12 =
* Fix: Custom selectors defaults
* Improvement: Updating default settings when switching to standard mode

= 4.0.11 =
* Improvement: CSV export format
* Improvement: WP 5.8, Woo 5.5 support

= 4.0.8 =
* Improvement: Use Woo payment method title
* Improvement: Better function exists checking

= 4.0.4 =
* Improvement: Indicate Woo 4.0 + WP 5.4 support
* Improvement: Removed legacy support
* Fix: Email schedule
* Fix: Force review widget template override

= 4.0.0 =
* Improvement: Legacy code removals
* Improvement: PHP 5.6
* Improvement: WC 3.8 support

= 3.0.3 =
* Improvement: Indicate correct module name in templates for suppport purposes

= 3.0.2 =
* Improvement: Do only replace Woo reviews when product sticker is enabled

= 3.0.1 =
* Fix: Autoloading class

= 3.0.0 =
* Feature - Better WPML support
* Feature - Better setting control
* Improvement - Code refactoring

= 2.2.0 =
* Feature - WC 3.2 Compatibility
* Fix - Review stars not showing on product page

= 2.0.1 =
* Feature - WC 2.7 beta compatibility
* Feature - Rich snippets image
* Feature - Brand/MPN attribute
* Fix - Template globals filter removal
* Fix - Settings show/hide

= 2.0.3 =
* Fix - Better Review Widget Update

= 2.0.2 =
* Fix - Star Size Option

= 2.0.1 = 
* Fix - Review Collector Export

= 2.0.0 = 
* Feature - Product Reviews
* Feature - Product Review Sticker/Stars
* Feature - GTIN for Product Reviews
* Feature - In Standard Mode no need to insert JS Trustbadge Code
* Feature - Expert Mode for code adjustments

= 1.1.0 =
* Feature - Trusted Shops Review Collector

= 1.0.0 =
* Feature - Trusted Shops Integration

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.0 =
no upgrade - just install :)