
Some common code for Puzzle game like Codingame or Advent Of Code

1.3.0 2023-12-20 20:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 21:12:19 UTC


Current version Supported PHP version CI


Some common code for Puzzle game like Codingame or Advent Of Code


If you wish to install it in your project, require it via composer:

composer require velkuns/math


See the CONTRIBUTING file.

Install / update project

You can install project with the following command:

make install

And update with the following command:

make update

NB: For the components, the composer.lock file is not committed.

Testing & CI (Continuous Integration)


You can run tests (with coverage) on your side with following command:

make tests

For prettier output (but without coverage), you can use the following command:

make testdox # run tests without coverage reports but with prettified output

Code Style

You also can run code style check with following commands:

make phpcs

You also can run code style fixes with following commands:

make phpcbf

Static Analysis

To perform a static analyze of your code (with phpstan, lvl 9 at default), you can use the following command:

make analyze

Minimal supported version:

make php82compatibility

Maximal supported version:

make php83compatibility

CI Simulation

And the last "helper" commands, you can run before commit and push, is:

make ci  


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details