
Reviews module used to store and calculate review scores

1.0.1 2020-06-27 10:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 19:26:51 UTC


PHP 7.4 Build Status


This library allows you a convenient way to store user reviews. The library also tries to be helpful by providing quick access to the extreme's ie the best and the worst reviews, aswell as providing the average score rating.



include "vendor/autoload.php";

use vbpupil\Review\Review;
use vbpupil\Review\ReviewCalculator;
use vbpupil\Review\ReviewCollection;

//1 create a review collection
$c = new ReviewCollection();

//2 add in items to the collection
$c->addItem(new Review('John G', 'love this product', 'well what can i say its awesome', 5))
    ->addItem(new Review('Gina', 'its okay', 'well it was all right', 4))
    ->addItem(new Review('Adele', 'its okay, i suppose', 'meh', 3))
    ->addItem(new Review('Christina', 'its okay, i suppose', 'meh *2', 2))
    ->addItem(new Review('Paul', 'nice', 'nice one would buy again', 1));

//3 create a review calculator
$rc = new ReviewCalculator();

//4 run calculate - this will now generate figures on your collection

//5 now grab the best review

//6 now grab the best reviewers name
echo "The best reviewer is: {$rc->getBest()->getName()}<br /><br />";

//7 pull out the average star rating
echo 'The average score rating of: '. number_format($rc->getScore(),2);

//8 get the total number of reviews
echo '<br /><br />The total number of reviews: '. $rc->getCount();

//9 loop reviews
foreach ($c->getItems() as $r) {
    echo <<<TXT
Name: {$r->getName()}<br>
Title: {$r->getTitle()}<br>
Description: {$r->getDescription()}<br>
Date Published: {$r->getDatePublished()}<br>
Rating: {$r->getRating()}<br>
Lowest Score: {$r->getRatingMax()}<br>
Highest Score: {$r->getRatingMin()}<br><br>