
DataTables integration for Symfony

5.0.0 2022-02-15 08:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 15:21:36 UTC


Build Status

What it does

The DataTablesBundle let's you easily create (sortable and filterable) serverSide DataTables from Doctrine entities.


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:



Enable the bundle by adding the following line in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

# app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\VoelkelDataTablesBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...


After installing the bundle, make sure you add this route to your routing:

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@VoelkelDataTablesBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"


# app/config/config.yml
        locale: "%locale%"
            true: "Jepp"
            false: "Nope"
            datetime: "Y-m-d H:i:s"


Create a Table definition

# AppBundle/DataTable/CustomerTable.php


namespace AppBundle\DataTable;

use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\AbstractDataTable;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\TableBuilderInterface;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\TableOptions;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\TableSettings;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\Column\Column;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\Column\UnboundColumn;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\Column\CallbackColumn;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\Column\EntityColumn;
use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\Column\EntitiesColumn;    

class CustomerTable extends AbstractDataTable
    protected function configure(TableSettings $settings, TableOptions $options)

        $options['stateSave'] = true;

    protected function build(TableBuilderInterface $builder)
            ->add('lastname', Column::class, [
                'label' => 'Lastname'
            ->add('opening', UnboundColumn::class, [
                'callback' => function(Customer $customer) {
                    return 'Dear ' . ('f' === $customer->getGender() ? 'Madam' : 'Sir');
            ->add('status', CallbackColumn::class, [
                'callback' => function($status) {
                    switch ($status) {
                        case 1:
                            return 'something';
                        case 2:
                            return 'something else';
                            return 'invalid';
            ->add('group.name'))                                                    // customer has one group
            ->addColumn(new EntityColumn('state', 'city.state', 'name'))            // customer has one city. city has one state
            ->addColumn(new EntitiesColumn('orders', 'orders', 'number'))           // customer has many orders
            ->addColumn(new EntitiesCountColumn('addresses_count', 'addresses'))    // customer has many addresses
            ->addColumn('actions', ActionsColumn::class, [
                'actions' => [
                    'edit' => [
                        'title' => 'edit customer',
                        'label' => '<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>',
                        'callback' => function(Customer $customer, \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface $router) {
                            return $router->generate('customer_edit', ['id' => $customer->getId()]);
                'dropdown' => true,
                'dropdown_label' => 'Actions',

In your CustomerController

# AppBundle/Controller/CustomerController.php

use AppBundle\DataTable\CustomerTable;

class CustomerController extends Controller 
    public function indexAction()
        return $this->render('AppBundle:Customer:index.html.twig', [
            'table' => new CustomerTable(),

And in your index template

# AppBundle/Resources/views/Customer/index.html.twig

{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}
    {{ datatables_html(table) }}
{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
        {{ datatables_js(table) }}

        // access the table instance
        {{ table.name }}_table.on('dblclick', 'tbody tr', function () {
{% endblock %}

Access DI container

use Voelkel\DataTablesBundle\Table\AbstractDataTable;

class CustomerTable extends AbstractDataTable
    protected function build()
        $service = $this->container->get('service');
        // or short
        $service = $this->get('service');

        // ...
        ->addColumn(new Column('id', 'id', [
            'format_data_callback' => function($data, $object, Column $column) {
                $router = $this->container->get('router');
                // or
                $router = $this->get('router');
        // ...

Table definition as a service

Define the service

# AppBundle/Resources/config/services.xml

<service id="app.table.customer" class="AppBundle\DataTable\CustomerTable">
    <argument type="service" id="my.awesome.service" />

Set the service id in the table constructor

# AppBundle/DataTable/CustomerTable.php

private $myAwesomeService;

public function __construct($myAwesomeService)
    $this->myAwesomeService = $myAwesomeService;

protected function configure(TableSettings $settings, TableOptions $options)

In your controller

# AppBundle/Controller/CustomerController.php

public function indexAction()
    return $this->render('AppBundle:Customer:index.html.twig', [
        'table' => $this->get('app.table.customer'),

Column filter

# AppBundle/DataTable/CustomerTable.php

// ...

class CustomerTable extends AbstractDataTable
    // ...
    protected function build()
            // ...
            ->add('gender', Column:class, [
                'filter' => 'select',
                'filter_choices' => [
                    'm' => 'male',
                    'f' => 'female',
            ->add('lastname', Column::class, [
                'filter' => 'text',

Table options

$default = [
    'stateSave' => false,
    'stateDuration' => 7200,
  • 'stateDuration': -1 sessionStorage. 0 or greater localStorage. 0 infinite. > 0 duration in seconds
class CustomerTable extends AbstractTableDefinition
    // ...
    protected function configure(TableSettings $settings, TableOptions $options)
        $options['stateSave'] = true;
        $options['stateDuration'] = 120;

Column options

$default = [
    'sortable' => true,
    'searchable' => true,
    'filter' => false, // false|'text'|'select'
    'filter_choices' => [],
    'filter_empty' => false, // add a checkbox to filter empty resp. null values
    'multiple' => false,
    'expanded' => false,
    'format_data_callback' => null, // function ($data, $object, Column $column) {}
    'unbound' => false,
    'order' => null, // null|'asc'|'desc'
    'label' => null, // null|string|false
    'abbr' => null, // null|string
  • 'filter' != false implies 'searchable' = true
  • 'multiple' has no effect if filter != 'select'
  • 'expanded' has no effect if filter != 'select'