
A simple route organizing package for Laravel

v1.1.0 2023-08-12 17:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 20:25:32 UTC


Tests Language Licence Release


This package helps you keep your route files more organized, more convenient and easier to read. Using this package, you only need to go to specific route class and make adjustments in the place which is contains only relevant routes. No more searching through that messy route files line by line for the only one route you want to adjust.

A route class is just a regular class that looks like this:

use Uutkukorkmaz\RouteOrganizer\Contracts\RouteContract as RegistersRoute;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\FlightController;

class FlightRoutes implements RegistersRoute {
    public static function register(){
        "prefix" => "flights",
        "as" => "flights.",
        "controller" => FlightController::class],function(){
            // your flight routes...

Why would you be using this package?

Being organized is really important while actively maintaining complex repositories, Route Organizer makes this process easier. And also your files going to be shorter than ever!


You can install the package via composer:

composer require uutkukorkmaz/laravel-route-organizer


  • Basic Usage

Add the Organizer Facade in your route file. Let's say we have a FlightRoutes class and we'd like to use it in routes/web.php...

use Uutkukorkmaz\RouteOrganizer\Facades\Organizer;

  • Creating Routes

You can create a route class from the console with artisan command. But please note that the CLI part is work in progress. And please feel free to suggest a feature or contribute.

php artisan make:route FlightRoutes


Please see CHANGELOG.md file for more information on what are the changes recently.


Please see all contributors.


The MIT Licence (MIT). Please see LICENCE.md file for more information.