
Common libraries for USF Identity Management services.

0.6.0 2016-05-24 16:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-09-15 19:54:50 UTC


Composer package of common libraries for USF Identity Management services. This package provides these classes:

  • UsfEncryption provides AES-256 encryption and decryption routines compatible with Java and C# implementations used at USF.
  • UsfConfig wraps the Configula PHP configuration library.
  • UsfLogger wraps the Monolog PHP logging library.
    • Provides handlers for writing logs to:
  • UsfLogRegistry provides a single object holding multiple UsfLogger instances.
  • SlimLogMiddleware adapts UsfLogRegistry to the Slim 2 PHP framework.
  • RequestResultLogger Slim 3 Middleware for logging request data.
  • ImageServiceClient provides a simple client for ImageService.
  • NamsIdentifierConverstionClient provides a simple client for the ws_convert web service.
  • Slim 2 testing tools.


Install usf-idm-common using Composer.

$ composer require usf-it/usf-idm-common


Here is an example of encrypting and decrypting a string:


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

use USF\IdM\UsfEncryption;

//AES-256 requires a 32-character key
$key = "12345678901234561234567890123456";

$crypt = UsfEncryption::encrypt($key, "this is a test");

echo "Encrypted string: ".$crypt."\n";

echo "Decrypted string: ".UsfEncryption::decrypt($key, $crypt);



Here is an example of getting the URL for the user 'U12345678':


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

use USF\IdM\Clients\ImageServiceClient;

$appName = "myApp"
$appKey = "12345678901234561234567890123456";

echo getImageURL('http', '', 8080, '/ImageService', 'U12345678', $appName, $appKey);



This is a simple wrapper around Configula.

  • Scans a given directory for configuration files and merges the data into one configuration object.
  • Works with .php, .ini, .json, and .yml configuration file types
  • Supports "local" configuration files that override the default configuration files.
  • Simple usage:
//Access configuration values from default location (/usr/local/etc/idm_config)
$config = new UsfConfig();
$some_value = $config->some_key;
  • Array and iterator access to your config settings:
//Access conifguration values
$config = new UsfConfig('/path/to/config/files');
foreach ($config as $item => $value) {
  echo "<li>{$item} is {$value}</li>";


  • The UsfConfig object, once instantiated, is immutable, meaning that it is read-only. You can not alter the config values. You can, however, create as many UsfConfig objects as you would like.
  • If any configuration file contains invalid code (invalid PHP or malformed JSON, for example), the Configula class will not throw an error. Instead, it will simply skip reading that file.
  • When working with PHP files, UsfConfig will look for an array called $config in this file.

####Local Configuration Files

In some cases, you may want to have local configuration files that override the default configuration files. To override any configuration file, create another configuration file, and append .local.EXT to the end.

For example, a configuration file named database.yml is overridden by database.local.yml, if the latter file exists.

This is very useful if you want certain settings included in version control, and certain settings ignored (just add /path/to/config/*.local.EXT to your .gitignore)


This class provides a singleton that contains an array of UsfLogger objects for logging various portions of your application. Currently, we support logging to files, syslog, FirePHP, Email, and SMS.

In addition, these logging methods can be activated basd on severity - sending generic infomation to log files, while important messages are emailed and critical alerts are sent via SMS.

#####Basic Usage


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

use USF\IdM\UsfLogRegistry;

// Create an instance of UsfLogRegistry
$logger = UsfLogRegistry::getInstance();

// Calling addLogger with no options creates a loghandler named 'log' that
// writes messages to /var/log/usf-logger.log

// log an error message with extra array data
$logger->log->warn('This is a test message.', ['foo' => 'bar']);


#####Log to different files


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

use USF\IdM\UsfLogRegistry;

// Create an instance of UsfLogRegistry
$logger = UsfLogRegistry::getInstance();

// Log audit messages to a different file
$logger->addLogger('audit','file',['log_location' => '/var/log/audit_log', 'log_level' => 'info']);

// This message will only go to /var/log/usf-logger.log
$logger->log->warn('This is a test message.');

// This message will only go to /var/log/audit_log
$logger->audit->info('User login',['username'=>$user, 'timestamp' => date(DATE_RFC2822)]);


#####Logging to multiple handlers based on severity


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

use USF\IdM\UsfLogRegistry;

$logger = UsfLogRegistry::getInstance();

//Configure email handler
$mailConfig = [
    'log_level' => 'error',
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 465,
    'username' => '',
    'password' => 'secret',
    'subject' => 'Log Message',
    // Who the message will be from
    'from' => ['root@localhost' => 'Admin'],
    // one or more email addresses the logs will go to
    'to' => ['']

// Add an additional handler that emails critical messages
$logger->log->addLogHandler('mail', $mailConfig);

// Add a log processor that logs the method, class, file and line number of the call

//This message will be logged to file AND emailed
$logger->log->critical('Critical Problem!!', ['var1' => 'true', 'var2' => 'false']);



  • When used in web applications, the URL, server & remote IPs, HTTP method and referrer are logged automatically.


Please see the [Slim Framework Documentation] ( for more information on the Middleware system in Slim.

To add the middleware to your Slim project and use log all output to /tmp/audit.log:

use \USF\IdM\SlimLogMiddleware;


$app = new \Slim\Slim();

$app->environment['log.config'] = [
    ['name'=>'audit', 'type' => 'file', 'default' => true, 'config' => ['log_location' => '/tmp/audit.log'], 'processor' => 'introspection']

//Add the Log Middleware
$app->add(new SlimLogMiddleware());

$app->get('/foo', function () use ($app) {
    echo ("Logging an alert!");

    //Use the default log handler
    $app->log->alert('this is an alert!');

    // Use a named log handler
    $app->log->audit->info('This is an informational message with extra data', ['foo' => 'bar']);


The log.config variable contains an array of config values for Monolog log handlers. The name, type, and config keys correspond to the parameters for UsfLogRegistry->addLogger() and the processor key adds the named log processor to the that log handler. The default key should be set to true to make that the default log handler for the Slim framework. If no handler has default set to true, the first one in the list will be used.

#####Log to different files

use \USF\auth\SlimLogMiddleware;


$app = new \Slim\Slim();

$app->environment['log.config'] = [
    ['name'=>'log', 'type' => 'file', 'default' => true, 'config' => ['log_location' => '/tmp/application.log']],
    ['name'=>'audit', 'type' => 'file', 'default' => false, 'config' => ['log_location' => '/tmp/audit.log', 'log_level' => 'info']]

//Add the Log Middleware
$app->add(new SlimLogMiddleware());

$app->get('/foo', function () use ($app) {
    // This message will only go to /tmp/application.log
    $app->log->warn('This is a test message.');

    // This message will only go to /tmp/audit_log
    $app->log->audit->info('User login',['username login', 'timestamp' => date(DATE_RFC2822)]);


#####Logging to multiple handlers based on severity


use \USF\auth\SlimLogMiddleware;


$app = new \Slim\Slim();

//Configure email handler
$mailConfig = [
    'log_level' => 'error',
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 465,
    'username' => '',
    'password' => 'secret',
    'subject' => 'Log Message',
    // Who the message will be from
    'from' => ['root@localhost' => 'Admin'],
    // one or more email addresses the logs will go to
    'to' => ['']

// Configure a logger (log) with two handlers: one that logs to a file and one that sends emails
$app->environment['log.config'] = [
     ['name'=>'log', 'type' => 'file', 'default' => true, 'config' => ['log_location' => '/tmp/application.log']],
     ['name'=>'log', 'type' => 'mail', 'config' => $mailConfig]

//Add the Log Middleware
 $app->add(new SlimLogMiddleware());

 $app->get('/foo', function () use ($app) {

   // This message will only be logged to a file
   $app->log->warn('This is a warning');

   //This message will be logged to file AND emailed
   $app->log->critical('Critical Problem!!', ['var1' => 'true', 'var2' => 'false']);

