
This bundle logs the time execution of methods, and supply stats data.

dev-master 2013-03-04 12:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:28:51 UTC


Service to handle progress of time execution of service and methods in your Symfony2 application

Installation on Symfony with Composer

On the composer.json file add :

    "require": {
        "urodoz/execution-stats": "dev-master",        

Run composer update

php composer.phar update

Add the bundle to the AppKernel.php

    $bundles = array(
        new Urodoz\TimeExecutionStatsBundle\UrodozTimeExecutionStatsBundle();

You can add the bundle only in dev and test environment as follows

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        //Adding bundle to dev and test environments
        $bundles[] = new Urodoz\TimeExecutionStatsBundle\UrodozTimeExecutionStatsBundle();

Update the Doctrine schema (you can use --dump-sql option before to check the SQL executed). The tracking time data is stored on a log table inside your data model.

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Usage as Symfony 2 service

You can access now to the time tracking service urodoz.timeTracker.

The parameters to track a service are :

  • Name : Name (unique) of the tracking item
  • Tag : Used to group results
  • Version : The version of the service. Can be a generic parameter setted for all platform. The graphs will show the progression of performance between different versions.

Example of tracking :

    protected function doSomeTask()
        //Head of the method
        if($this->getContainer()->has("urodoz.timeTracker")) {
        if($this->getContainer()->has("urodoz.timeTracker")) {

See tracking data on Symfony 2 commands

Once the bundle has been installed. You have access to 3 new commands on your app/console :

php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:pack

Will pack the data on database

php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:ranking

Show the slower tracking methods or services , optionally grouped by tags

php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:show

Show data of performance improve, referenced from the last versions of a single service. Here you can see how the service has progressd into different versions in execution time

See tracking data generated on HTML

Currenty on development

Integrate tracking data into Jenkins application

Currenty on development