
PHP wrapper for Nova API. Nova is a shared IT platform of the Brussels-Capital Region dedicated to the file management of planning permits, land division permits and environmental licences.

0.8.2 2023-01-05 08:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-30 08:11:45 UTC


PHP wrapper for the API of Nova. Nova is a shared IT platform of the Brussels-Capital Region dedicated to the file management of planning permits, land division permits and environmental licences. Permit applications can be viewed online on OpenPermits.brussels.


composer require urban-brussels/nova-api


use UrbanBrussels\NovaApi\Attribute;
use UrbanBrussels\NovaApi\PermitQuery;
use UrbanBrussels\NovaApi\PermitCollection;

$query = new PermitQuery('PU'); // Create a query for planning (PU) or environmental (PE) licences
$permits = $query
    ->filterByAttributeArray(Attribute::REFERENCE_NOVA, ['04/PFD/1796029', '04/PFD/1795271']) // Filter by Nova References
    ->setOrder(Attribute::DATE_SUBMISSION, 'DESC') // Order by descending submission date
    ->setLimit(2) // Limit to 2 results

// You now have a PermitCollection object, that can be used in a loop
foreach ($permits->getPermits() as $permit) 
    echo $permit->getReferenceNova();
    echo $permit->getAddress();
    echo $permit->getDateInquiryEnd();
    echo $permit->hasActiveInquiry();

// Other available getters

// Get Address in an array (street name FR/NL, street number, municipality FR/NL)

// Get Type and Subtype

// Get an array of Links related to this permit request (Nova, OpenPermits, Nova API)

// Get Description of the requested permit, in an array FR/NL

// Get Public inquiry dates

// Get Submission Date

// Get Notification Date

// Get a multidimensional array with the Area Typology (existing, projected, authorized areas for each type)

// Submission language (FR or NL)

Other queries examples

use UrbanBrussels\NovaApi\PermitQuery;
use UrbanBrussels\NovaApi\PermitCollection;

$query = new PermitQuery('PU');

// Retrieve all requests in public inquiry for the date 2022-01-01 (PU for planning requests, PE for environmental requests)
$permits = $query->filterByInquiryDate('2022-01-01')

// Filters can be combined
$permits = $query->filterByAttribute(Attribute::STREETNAME_FR, 'Rue de Dublin') // First filter to limit by street
                 ->filterByAttribute(Attribute::LANGUAGE, 'NL'); // Second filter to limit to applications in Dutch

// If you use a raw cql_filter, you can query what you want (e.g. every permit request for a given Street + Zipcode)    
$permits = $query->filterByRawCQL("streetnamefr = 'Rue de Dublin' AND zipcode='1050'" )


This library fixes the following inconsistencies in the Nova WFS webservices

  • Different attributes names for PE and PU
  • Attributes names mixing french and english
  • Different DateTime patterns (with or without microseconds)
  • Boolean values returned as string (e.g.: incidences, mpp)
  • Too deep json for suspensions
  • Integer values returned as string (e.g. novaseq, zipcode)
  • Status must be guessed mixing different attributes
  • Redundancy
  • Incorrect values (e.g. submissions in the year 1111)
  • Number "to" same as number "from" in addresses