
This package provides a convenient tool for sending and verifying SMS codes in different flows. Works only with Laravel framework

0.1.10 2021-03-03 10:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:12 UTC


License: MIT This package provides a set of tools for sending and verifying SMS codes.


This package can be installed through Composer:

composer require upaid/sms-verification

Or by adding the following line to the require section of your Laravel app's composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "upaid/sms-verification": "0.1.*"

Run composer update upaid/sms-verification to install the package.


The core part of the package are so called "managers" - classes that implement the following interface:

interface SmsManagerInterface
    public function sendSmsCode(string $action, string $phone, array $messageTranslationPlaceholders = []): string;
    public function checkSmsCode(string $action, string $phone, string $code): string;
    public function sendSmsAgain(string $action, string $phone, array $messageTranslationPlaceholders = []): string;
    public function flushPendingSmsValidation(string $id): void;

Short description below:

  • sendSmsCode - generates code, stores it in cache in context of a given action and phone number, sends a text message with generated code and returns status of this operation
  • checkSmsCode - checks if a given code is the same as the one stored in cache (in the same context) and returns status; in addition it is prepared to handle reaching the limit of failed attempts (you can define how to do that in config and in callbacks)
  • sendSmsAgain - resets the counter of failed check attempts and then does the same as sendSmsCode (you can limitate usage of this method in config)
  • flushPendingSmsValidation - removes all SMS verification keys from cache (can be used for example when user logs in) Of course all of these subtasks are delegated to dependencies injected via interface, so you can modify most part of this packages without editing existing classes.


Package configuration is placed in config/sms_verification.php file. You have to copy this file to config folder in your Laravel project. In order to do that you can execute

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Below is a list of configurable options:

  • api - SMS API connection settings
  • log_message - templates used to log sent messages (if logging is configured)
  • status_map - used for customising returned statuses
  • status_placeholders - used for customizing the format of returned information about sent SMS number/count (if returned from SMS API)
  • multi_lock_types - determines the list of available lock types used at MultiTypeLockManager class
  • cache_life_time - how long items are stored in cache
  • lock_life_time - lock duration (used in BaseCacheLockManager, not tightly related to the core functionality, but important if you use locks)
  • sms_code_length - length of generated SMS verification code
  • checks_limit - max number of failed check attempts for one SMS code; reaching this limit may cause creating a lock or resending SMS code, depending on which manager you use
  • send_again_limit - defines how many times sendSmsAgain feature can be used in given context. Used in LimitedResendManager class
  • actions - list of available actions. Class Components/Actions should be overridden and extended in your project
  • translations - translation configuration. If you use Laravel translator (Components/Callbacks/MessageComposer) pass to this parameter array with format [action => translation_key]. Also you can override MessageComposer implementation in your project
  • dummy_services_environments - list of environments for which will be used dummy sender
  • force_use_real_services - if true send real sms even if environment is at the list of dummy_services_environments
  • callbacks - the list of configurable callbacks. You can define your own callback classes by implementing method __invoke
    • dummy_services - you have to pass callback class that makes a decision if a real SMS code should be generated and sent (or a dummy sender should be used, alternatively). Dummy sender logs the message without real sending (if logging is configured)
    • manager - you have to pass callback that creates at instance of SmsManagerInterface
    • log - pass callback implementing logging
    • over_limit - this callback is executed when reaching send_again_limit in LimitedResendManager
    • message_composer - responsible for composing and translating SMS message content
    • lock_manager - callback creates an instance of LockManagerInterface that can be used to lock user in cache or in DB, or to lock only some of the features (like password reset or email change)