
The base of canarium that includes the framework and the abstraction layers that is crucial for building canarium-based applications.


The base of canarium that includes the framework and the abstraction layers that is crucial for building canarium-based applications.This is the core of canarium that installs and initializes dependencies for Canarium Modules to work. This is the the base requirement of any canarium appinstance or appmaster.


Install via composer:

composer require unarealidad/canarium-kernal-core dev-master

Add CanariumCore to your Appmaster's config/application.config.php or your Appinstance's config/instance.config.php under the key modules

Copy the sample config config/canariumcontactus.local.php.dist to your Appinstance's config/autoload/ directory and remove the .dist extension.

Go to your Appinstance directory and run the following to update your database:

./doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:update --force

Import data/initial_rows.sql to your database. This will add 2 new users in the database:

User: root@root.com Password: 123456 User Level: Super User

User: admin@admin.com Password: 123456 User Level: Admin

Remember to change the password for each account.


Configuration main key: canariumcore Sample Config file: config/canariumcore.local.php.dist

Config Item Sample Value Required Description
site_name 'Sample Site' true The name of your site that will be displayed in the page title
verbose_title true false Whether we show the controller and action in the page title for debugging purpose
is_authentication_required true false Whether all pages needs to be accessed by logged in users only. Defaults to false. If set to true, then all request to a page by a guest user will redirect them to the login page (except for register and forgot password page).
is_authentication_whitelist array('login') false Array of routes to exclude from the redirection caused by is_authentication_required.
login_on_denied_access true false Whether we redirect the user to the login page when a 403 forbidden is issued. Defaults to true. If set to false, the 403 message and trace will be seen which is good for debugging purposes.
denied_access_redirect_route 'home' The route to redirect to when a 403 is issued. This will be overriden if login_on_denied_access is set to true.
logout_third_party_login_too false false Whether we logout third party login sessions too like Google after the user logs out.
application_hash '#1HKS)>>#EAZJR' false The hash that will be used when creating authentication token
default_app_id 11 false The default app id to use on api calls
default_app_secret '50b9d04e28e1380bf522a7430b7a9b5c08a8cc16' false The default app secret to use on api calls

Exposed Pages

URL Template Access Description
/user/login user/login.phtml Guest Displays the login page
/user/logout none User Logs the user out
/user/register user/register.phtml Guest Displays the registration page
/user/changepassword user/changepassword.phtml User Displays the change password page
/user/changeemail user/changeemail.phtml User Displays the change email page
user/update-profile user/update-profile.phtml User Displays the profile update page
/admin admin/index.phtml Admin Displays the landing page for the admin panel

* All template locations are relative to the Appinstance root's /public/templates/canarium-core/. Sample templates are provided in the module's view/ directory.

Exposed Services

canariumcore_user_service - The user service that handles user related operations like loggin in, registration etc. canariumcore_app_service - Api service of canarium

Canarium Exposed Endpoints

All endpoints of canarium are exposed in '/canarium-api'. The returned data is in json in the following format

    code: 200,
    message: 'Some message',
    data: {}

Where data contains the output of the endpoint.

Endpoint Method Parameters Description
/canarium-api/get-current-user GET none Returns the current logged in user information.
/canarium-api/login POST id, secret, email Returns an access token to the user
/canarium-api/delete-account POST access_token Deletes the current logged in user. This requires a valid access token