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get user notifications from moodle

dev-master 2021-04-11 21:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 08:29:52 UTC


With this API you can query received notifications and new messages of any user (by userName) on back channel. The API needs direct access to the Moodle database. Tested with Moodle v3.9


  1. git clone ... project from the git repository
  2. composer install
  3. make /web accessible to webserver
  4. set up environment variables in apache config or .env file.

Environment variables

Set environment variables in apache config or docker-compose.yml

VariableDescriptionDefault value or example
SECRETseed for computing token
DELTAtimestamp timeout in sec300
DBPREFIX | | "mdl"
DEBUGset to 1 for development0


Call http://mdl-getnot.test/get_messages.php with the following GET parameters:

  • uid: username (e.g. eduPersonPrincipalName) of the user to query
  • ts: unix timestamp of query creation (valid for delta seconds) (UTC)
  • token: hash('sha512', "$uid,$ts,$secret") where secret is the configured shared secret

Returns JSON object with fields:

  • status: 'success' or 'error'
  • error: exists only if status is 'error', the error message
  • notifications: integer, the number of the unread notifications
  • messages: integer, the number of the unread messages
  • requests: integer, the number of the received contact requests

Example 1




Example 2

Calling from another SAML-authenticated php application to get the notifications of the user currently logged in.

        $authSource = 'default-ps'; // ... or whatever configured
        $saml = new \SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple($authSource); // SimpleSAMLphp SP >= 1.18.8 is required
	    $uidAttribute = 'eduPersonPrincipalName';
	    $secret = 'xxxx'; 
		if($saml->isAuthenticated()) {
		    $attributes = $saml->getAttributes();
		    if(isset($attributes[$uidAttribute]) {
		        $uid =  $attributes[$uidAttribute];
                if(is_array($uid)) $uid = $uid[0];
                $ts = time();
                $query = [
                    'uid' => $uid,
                    'ts' => $ts,
                    'token' => hash('sha512', "$uid,$ts,$secret"),
                $mdl_response = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->url.'?'.http_build_query($query)), JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY);