Packages from typoniels

  • typoniels/accordion

    A simple accordion content element for structuring large amounts of content, e.g. for the privacy policy. The Accordion is based on Irre records and offers a search function in addition to icons. In use at

  • typoniels/barcode-example-laminas

    This is a example for generating barcodes with laminas

  • typoniels/depositphotos

    This extension integrates the free collections of Despositphotos as image source for TYPO3 and takes care of the correct attribution with image credits.

  • typoniels/downloads

    TYPO3 Extension to provide Downloads with additional Options

  • typoniels/instagram

    Post from TYPO3 to Instagram

  • typoniels/podcast

    TYPO3 Extension to prove multiple Podcasts directly in the Backend

  • typoniels/preismanager

    Extension für die Verwaltung meiner Preispakete und Abos.

  • typoniels/site_belogin

    This Extension make it possible to configure a background image and logo for the typo3 backend login in the Site-Management Module per Site, and if no site configuration can be obtained from the backend login url, the extension uses the default settings from the ExtensionConfiguration module as Fallback.

  • typoniels/stock

    A TYPO3 extension, with which high-quality images from various image sources can be searched for and integrated in the Backend quickly, comfortably and with all the necessary rights details.