typo3/cms-core dependents (3238) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Transparent static file cache solution using mod_rewrite and mod_expires. Increase response times for static pages by a factor of 230!!

  • PHP


    A database with quotes which are displayed on the webpage in various ways, based on extbase & fluid for TYPO3 CMS

  • PHP


    This TYPO3 extension includes most relevant TCA configuration to demonstrate and test a MySQL-Trigger.

  • PHP


    The Backend Simplifier offers the configuration of the eight most commonly used properties for simplifying the TYPO3 backend by a mouse click. User interface is the extension manager. Enable page tree uids, use indvidual page tree icons, activate the extended view and the clipboard and the admin panel for all editors. Extend the cache thunderbolts with one for the system cache.

  • PHP


    Forum extension

  • PHP


    This extension adds two different TypoScript conditions to check if content elements with special values on a page exist.

  • PHP


    Fixes some issues concerning language fallback in TYPO3. Obtain the professional version for special extensions like powermail.

  • PHP


    Extension for EXT:news to display additional content "around" a single news-article. In templates additional areas can be defined and each area can be filled with content-elements. Imagine news enriched with tables, diagrams, footnotes or any other kind of Content-Elements.

  • PHP


    Add the option on pages to remove the canonical link.

  • PHP


    Example Rest-Api Extension for EXT:nnrestapi

  • PHP


    Provides a cache backend for TYPO3 that stores all cache information in Lucene

  • web-tp3/cag_tests

    Connecta AG :: Basic Testing and Samples

  • PHP


    tp3 OpenHours for tt_address and Businessview

  • web-tp3/tp3-facebook

    use Facebook Social Plugins - page, Comment and more