
Library for working with the Legalesign API.

0.10 2017-06-15 15:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 20:07:08 UTC


A PHP-based interface to Legalesign.


Include it with Composer:

composer require tylermenezes/legalesign-php

Set your credentials

You can view your API credentials at the bottom of your user page. Non-sandboxed use currently requires a paid plan, but you can test your integration in the sandbox. (When in sandbox mode, you will only be able to send requests to five emails you specify on your profile page.)

You can set your credentials like so:

Legalesign\Api::credentials('ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000');

If you use Laravel, credentials will automatically be pulled from a legalesign.php config file, if one exists. The format of this file should be:

return [
    'userid' => 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
    'secret' => '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

Change API Base URL

For some reasons, some accounts do not work with https://api.legalesign.com/api/v1.

You can change your Base API URL by calling apiBase() method.


Create a signer

$me = new Legalesign\Signer;
$me->firstName = 'Tyler';
$me->lastName = 'Menezes';
$me->email = 'tylermenezes@protonmail.ch';

Create a signing request

$document = Legalesign\Document::create()
    ->name('Waiver of Liability')

The Document::create() method actually returns a Document\SigningRequest object, which will allow you to configure your signing request. As shown above, you should configure properties by chaining method calls with the names of the properties you'd like to set.

The following properties are supported:

  • groupId (required): the ID of the group to which the document should belong. If you're not sure what this ID is, the easiest way to find it is to hover over your company name in the header. The group ID will be in the last part of the URL.
  • name (required): the company name.
  • userId: the ID of the user from which the document should be sent. You can leave this blank for the default.
  • appendLegalesignValidationInfo (default true): If true, a page will be added to the document with audit logs.
  • autoArchive (default true): Automatically archive the document after completion. This mostly just hides it from the dashboard.
  • signaturesOnAllPages (default false): If true, show signatures on all pages. Otherwise, only show them on the last page.
  • certify (default true): If true, Legalesign should certify the PDF. This is recommended.
  • signInOrder (default true): If true, the second signer cannot sign until the first has signed, etc. Signing order is the order in which you add signers.
  • password (default null): If set, the PDF will be password protected with the set password.
  • storePassword (default false): If a password is set, this affects whether Legalesign saves the password.
  • footer, footerHeight, header, headerHeight (all default null): If set, these control the footer and header.
  • pdfText (default []): If set, the PDF sender fields will be pre-filled according to these values.
  • signerText (default []): If set, the PDF signer fields will be pre-filled according to these values.

You can also add signers and cc'ers (people who will be cc'd on all emails) with the addSigner and addCc methods.

To actually send the document, end the chain with one of the following three methods:

  • sendWithHtml($html): Specifies the document to send in HTML, and sends it.
  • sendWithTemplateHtml($template): Specifies an HTML template to use for the document, and sends it.
  • sendWithTemplatePdf($template): Specifies a PDF template to use for the document, and sends it.

All of these methods return a Document, of which you should generally save the id.

Get signer fields

$document = Legalesign\Document::find($documentId);
foreach ($document->signers as $signer) {
    $fields = $signer->getSignerFields();

The getSignerFields() method returns an associative array of all your signer fields. Refer below for the sample format:

    'key' => 'value'

Retrieve an existing signing request, and try to download the executed agreement.

$document = Legalesign\Document::find('my-document-id');
if ($document->downloadReady) {
    file_put_contents('/tmp/test.pdf', $document->getPdf());
} else {
    echo 'Document is not yet ready!';