dev-main 2023-04-20 12:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 14:53:03 UTC


Component loader and pre-processor for Twig templates.

Project Status: ABANDONED


This was a shortcut taken to allow junior/intermediate Vue.js developers to quickly jump into huge legacy Symfony/Twig templates.

Its only purpose was to survive a big refactoring middle-step, allowing us to move forward with Vue.js and other more suited frontend languages.

If you still feel like this can help you, don't hesitate to contact or create an issue.


Components can be used within regular Twig templates:

{# File: @components/Page/PHome/PHome.twig #}
{% extends '@components/Teamplate/TBase.twig' %} 

{% block contents %} 
    label="{{ 'button.edit_entity'|trans }}"
{% endblock %}
{# File: @components/Atom/AButton/AButton.twig #}

  class="a-button -{{ props.theme|default('grey') }}"
  {{ props.label }}


Props passed to your components can be either hard-coded strings (example: theme), or variables and expressions ( example: level). They will be scoped in the object props.

  level="{{ errors|count * 10 }}"


Blocks can be defined and used like in any regular twig template. There are a few syntactic helpers, though:

Default Blocks

{# File: @components/Page/PHome/PHome.twig #}
{% extends '@components/Teamplate/TBase.twig' %} 

{% block contents %} 
  <AButton theme="primary">
    {{ 'button.edit_entity'|trans }}
{% endblock %}
{# File: @components/Atom/AButton/AButton.twig #}

  class="a-button -{{ props.theme|default('grey') }}"
  {% block AButton__default %}{% endblock %}

Named Blocks

{# File: @components/Page/PHome/PHome.twig #}
{% extends '@components/Teamplate/TBase.twig' %} 

{% block contents %} 
  <AButton theme="primary">
    <block #icon>
    <block #label>{{ 'button.edit_entity'|trans }}</block>
{% endblock %}
{# File: @components/Atom/AButton/AButton.twig #}

  class="a-button -{{ props.theme|default('grey') }}"
  {% if block('icon') is defined %}
    <i class="a-button_icon">{{ block('icon')|raw }}</i>
  {% endif %}
  <span class="a-button__label">
    {% block label %}{% endblock %}

Inner workings

Since this component loader works as a pre-processor, it's goal is to accept subjectively easier/better syntax, and to pass valid Twig syntax to the Twig engine.

Understanding what is transpiled to what can help you master this new syntax:

  • Include: Component without blocks
  • Embed: Component with blocks
  • String parameters: properties without {{ … }}
  • Variables and expressions: properties with {{ … }}



  <AButton theme="primary">
    <block #icon>
    <block #label>{{ 'button.edit_entity'|trans }}</block>
  <AIcon name="{{ random_name() }}"/>

Twig Out (Simplified):

 {% embed '@components/Atom/AButton/AButton.twig' with { props: { theme: "primary" } } %}
    {% block icon %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block label %}
      {{ 'button.edit_entity'|trans }}
    {% endblock %}
 {% endembed %} 
 {% include '@components/Atom/AIcon/AIcon.twig' with { props: { name: random_name() } } %}


This preprocessor aims to make developing and reviewing Twig templates easier and faster.

There is not enough visual distinction between control statements: {% if … %}, {% for … %}, {% set … %} and markup/composition: {% include … %}, {% embed … %}.

Customizing the syntax doesn't quite cut it for me.