
Taiwan privacy policy record.

1.2.0 2018-12-22 08:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 20:10:27 UTC


Latest Stable Version License

This package provides to record user assent privacy policy date with Laravel


Install by composer

    $ composer require tsubasarcs/laravel-privacier

Registing Service Provider and Aliases

If you are using laravel 5.5 or above, you can use auto discover also, you don't need put in service provider to app.php.



'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
        'Privacier' => \Tsubasarcs\Privacier\Facades\Privacier::class,

Run the following on your terminal to publish the migrations:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tsubasarcs\Privacier\Providers\PrivacyServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

If you want to change some parameter, you can run the following on your terminal to publish the config:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tsubasarcs\Privacier\Providers\PrivacyServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Laravel-privacier provides two routes for store user confirm Privacy Policy and set privacy cookie for guest after confirm Privacy Policy.

route('privacy.store') // /privacy/store
route('privacy.set_cookie') // /privacy/set_cookie

Use Facade Privacier

Privacier::updateOrCreate(string $attribute_key, array $values); //return model
Privacier::existUid($uid); //return bool
Privacier::exists($attribute); //return bool


Laravel-privacier is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.