Cdn helper for ZF2/ZF3/Laminas

2.5.1 2022-11-26 08:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 12:34:52 UTC


Version 2.* Created by Rostislav Mykhajliw Build Status


TweeCdn is a list of view helpers for support css/js/images links transformation due to rules.


  • php >= 7
  • zendframework/zend-stdlib
  • zendframework/zend-view

Features / Goals

  • Simple by adding ?timestamp marker to the end of file e.q. /css/test.css?1234567
  • Release idenitify new static files version by given REVISION number e.q. /css/1234/test.css
  • Hash build unique marker based on file md5 hash e.q. /css/af34c42/test.css. It allows users to load only changed files.
  • Multiple hostnames supports e.q.,
  • Hash generator


Main Setup

With composer

  1. Add this project and Cdn in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "necromant2005/cdn": "*",
  2. Now tell composer to download TweeCdn by running the command:

    $ php composer.phar update

Post installation

Enabling it in your "application.config.php" file.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...

Advanced configuration

  • type - cdn type
  • public_dir - path to public dir
  • hostnames - list available hostnames
  • hashes - hash list (file_path => hash)
  • mapping - map specific to filepath to global CDNs: Google/NetDNA/MaxCDN

Options hostnames - support ALL cdn helpers.

  1. Simple (default mode) Simple adds ?timestamp marker to the end of file Original


    tranfromed to


    Configuration with mapping jquery to google CDN (

    return array(
        'di' => array(
            'instance' => array(
                'TweeCdn\View\Helper\Cdn' => array(
                    'parameters' => array(
                        // simple configuration
                        'type'    => 'simple',
                        'options' => array(
                            'public_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../../public',
                            'mappings' => array(
                                '/js/jquery.js' => '//'
  2. Release Release based helper puts release number stored in file "/RELEASE" right after first folder name. As result you have unique path every release. (RELEASE file by default created by Remote multi-server automation tool - Capistrano) Original


    tranfromed to



    return array(
        'di' => array(
            'instance' => array(
                'TweeCdn\View\Helper\Cdn' => array(
                    'parameters' => array(
                        // simple configuration
                        'release'    => 'release',
                        'options' => array(
                            'public_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../../public',
                            'release' => trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../../../REVISION')),
  3. Hash Hash provides almost the same to "release" but uses unique file content hash. It can works in 2 mode:

    • dynamic - when hashed generates in fly
    • pre-compiled - by using existed hash map For "pre-compiled" mode you can generate hash map files by using script. it creates tmp/hashes.php files list. Eventully it makes application faster because you make less IO disk by skiping files md5 calculation every request.



    tranfromed to


    Configuration sample with fail-back protection of missed tmp/hashes.php file and hostnames. The files will be spreaded by cdn-0 and cdn-1 by random depends on filename.

    return array(
        'di' => array(
            'instance' => array(
                'TweeCdn\View\Helper\Cdn' => array(
                    'parameters' => array(
                        // simple configuration
                        'release'    => 'hash',
                        'options' => array(
                            'public_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../../public',
                            'hostnames' => array('', ''),
                            'hashes' => (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../tmp/hashes.php')) ? include __DIR__ . '/../tmp/hashes.php' : array(),