
A laravel package for Opay

v1.0.0 2023-07-26 22:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-27 02:01:33 UTC


A Laravel package to seamlessly integrate Opay payment APIs to any new or existing laravel application.

Link to Opay documentation


PHP 7.2+ or HHVM 3.3+, and Composer are required.

To get the latest version of Laravel Opay, simply require it

composer require triverla/laravel-opay

Or add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file.

"triverla/laravel-opay": "1.0.*"

You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Laravel Opay is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

'providers' => [

If you use Laravel >= 5.5 you can skip this step and go to configuration

  • Triverla\LaravelOpay\OpayServiceProvider::class

Also, register the Facade like so:

'aliases' => [
    'Opay' => Triverla\LaravelOPay\Facades\Opay::class,


You can publish the configuration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Triverla\LaravelOpay\OpayServiceProvider"

A configuration file opay.php with some sensible defaults will be placed in your config directory as displayed below:


return [

     'base_url' => env('OPAY_BASE_URL', ''),
     'secret_key' => env('OPAY_SECRET_KEY', ''),
     'public_key' => env('OPAY_PUBLIC_KEY', ''),
     'merchant_id' => env('OPAY_MERCHANT_ID', '')



Open your .env file and add the following keys. You can get them at ( Under the API keys & Webhook tab:

  • import the Opay Facades with the import statement below;
  • Also import the FailedRequestException that handles the exceptions thrown from failed requests. This exception returns the corresponding Opay error message and code
    use Triverla\LaravelOpay\Facades\Opay;
    use Triverla\LaravelOpay\Exceptions\FailedRequestException;

Other methods include

    use Triverla\LaravelOpay\Facades\Opay;
    //Bank Endpoints
    $response = Opay::bank()->countries();
    $response = Opay::bank()->banks();
     $response = Opay::wallet()->initiateTransaction(string $reference, string $userPhone, float $amount, string $userRequestIp, string $productName, string $productDesc, int $expiresAt = 30, string $currency = 'NGN');
     $response = Opay::wallet()->authorizeTransaction(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $userPhone, string $pin);
     $response = Opay::wallet()->sendOTP(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $payMethod);
     $response = Opay::wallet()->verifyOTP(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $payMethod, string $otp);
     $response = Opay::wallet()->closeTransaction(string $reference, string $orderNo);
     $response = Opay::wallet()->initializeRefund(string $reference, string $refundReference, float $refundAmount, string $orderNo, string $currency = 'NGN');
     $response = Opay::wallet()->verifyRefundStatus(string $reference, string $refundReference, float $refundAmount, string $refundOrderNo);
     $response = Opay::account()->createUserAccount(string $phoneNumber, string $email, string $firstName, string $lastName, string $password, string $address, string $otp);
     $response = Opay::account()->sendOTP(string $phoneNumber);
     $response = Opay::inquiry()->balance();
     $response = Opay::inquiry()->validateOPayUser(string $phoneNumber);
     $response = Opay::inquiry()->validateOPayMerchant(string $email);
     $response = Opay::inquiry()->validateBankAccountNumber(string $bankCode, string $bankAccountNumber, string $countryCode = 'NG');
      $response = Opay::transfer()->opayWallet(WalletTransferPayload $payload);
      $response = Opay::transfer()->queryWalletTransferStatus(string $reference, string $orderNo);
      $response = Opay::transfer()->opayWalletBatch(WalletTransferPayloadList $payloadList);
      $response = Opay::transfer()->bankAccount(BankTransferPayload $payload);
      $response = Opay::transfer()->queryBankTransferStatus(string $reference, string $orderNo);
      $response = Opay::transfer()->bankAccountBatch(BankTransferPayloadList $payloadList);
      $response = Opay::transaction()->initializeCardTransaction(string $reference, float $amount, string $firstName, string $lastName, string $customerEmail, string $cardNumber,
                                              string $cardDateMonth, string $cardDateYear, string $cardCVC, string $return3dsUrl, string $bankAccountNumber,
                                              string $bankCode, string $reason, string $callbackUrl, string $expiresAt, string $billingZip = null, string $billingCity = null,
                                              string $billingAddress = null, string $billingState = null, string $billingCountry = null,
                                              string $currency = 'NGN', string $country = 'NG');
     $response = Opay::transaction()->initializeTokenTransaction(string $reference, float $amount, string $customerPhone, string $customerEmail, string $reason, string $callbackUrl, string $expiresAt, string $token,
                                               string $currency = 'NGN', string $country = 'NG');
    $response = Opay::transaction()->initializeBankAccountTransaction(string $reference, float $amount, string $customerPhone, string $return3dsUrl, string $bankAccountNumber,
                                                     string $bankCode, string $reason, string $bvn, string $dobDay, string $dobMonth, string $dobYear,
                                                     string $currency = 'NGN', string $country = 'NG');
    $response = Opay::transaction()->checkTransactionStatus(string $reference, string $orderNo);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->transactionInputPIN(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $pin);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->transactionInputOTP(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $otp);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->transactionInputPhone(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $phone);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->transactionInputDob(string $reference, string $orderNo, string $dob);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->initiateBankTransferTransaction(string $reference, string $userPhone, float $amount, string $userRequestIp, string $productName, string $productDesc, int $expiresAt = 30, string $currency = 'NGN');
    $response = Opay::transaction()->getBankTransferTransactionStatus(string $reference, string $orderNo);
    $response = Opay::transaction()->initiateUSSDTransaction(string $reference, string $userPhone, float $amount, string $userRequestIp, string $productName, string $productDesc, int $expiresAt = 30, string $currency = 'NGN');
    $response = Opay::transaction()->getUSSDTransactionStatus(string $reference, string $orderNo);

    $response = Opay::bills()->bettingProviders();
    $response = Opay::bills()->validate(string $serviceType, string $provider, string $customerId);
    $response = Opay::bills()->bulkBills(BulkBillsListPayload $billsListPayload, string $callbackUrl, string $serviceType);
    $response = Opay::bills()->bulkStatus(BulkStatusRequest $bulkStatusRequest, string $serviceType);


composer test


  • Webhook Events


Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities.

Bugs & Issues

If you notice any bug or issues with this package kindly create and issues here ISSUES


If you discover any security related issues, please email

How can I thank you?

Why not star the github repo and share the link for this repository on Twitter or other social platforms.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter!

Thanks! Benaiah Yusuf


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.