
JSON API for Tribe (v3)

v1.0.17 2024-10-29 01:48 UTC


JSON API implementation based on


To authorise

  1. Authorise yourself with Basic HTTP authentication, using API Key (as username) and API Secret (as password) generated from Junction.
  2. Save the array returned. The array has a column called "access_token". This is the Bearer access token to be used to access data.

Data handling

Read Single object

GET request on /api/$type/$slug or /api/$id

Read Multiple objects of one $type or search

GET request on /api/$type or /api/search


GET request on /api/$type?index=0&limit=25


Data can be cherry picked passing the "filter" query in URL with the desired data.
GET request using ?filter=name,age,location,email

To create record

POST request on /api/$type preferably include: user_id (of creator) and content_privacy

To edit/update record

PATCH request on /api/$type/$slug or /api/$type/$id

To delete record

DELETE request on /api/$type/$slug or /api/$type/$id mandatory to include: user_id (of creator)

Upload interface

POST /api/file-upload

  1. Include the js file tribe_upload.js under dist in your project (or use it as a reference to implement your own)
  2. create a button that you want to program for upload with a data-target='#input-file' ('#input-file' can be anything you want, but mention a target)
  3. Initialize the code by passing selector of your event initiator (i.e. button created in step 2) and defining the api URL tribeUploadUrl
<form action="#">
    <input type="file" name="upload[]" id="upload" class="form-control mb-3" multiple>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="form-submit" data-target="#upload">Submit</button>
let tribeUploadUrl = '/api/file-upload'

Important info

  • A type cannot be deleted or modified using API. The only way to modify types is by modifying config/types.json in your Tribe root directory.
  • Multple records cannot be deleted or modified using API.