TrekkSoft SDK

0.3.17 2023-04-05 15:44 UTC



This is PHP SDK for Trekksoft API.


To install SDK into your project you need to use composer (see And then run:

composer require trekksoft/sdk


Basic Setup

$credentials = [
    'clientId'      => '<your-client-id>',
    'clientSecret'  => '<your-client-secret>',

$provider = new \TrekkSoft\SDK\OAuth2\Provider\TrekkSoftProvider($credentials);

//Get activities list
$activities = $provider->getActivities();

//Get availabilities list
$availabilities = $provider->getAvailabilities();

//Get merchants a list of merchants which you can access 
$merchants  = $provider->getMerchants();


Check demo folder for example of usage of this SDK. To make it running you will need to copy to and configure your client id and client secret in the new file.

Then you can put these files under your webroot folder and run it though web server. E.g. http://localhost/trekksoft/activities.php


All the data received from API is automatically wrapped into objects to be able to work with data easier. You can check these models under src/Model folder. High level models are Activity and Availability. Others are nested under these models.

So for example to get occupancy of the availability item you need to do the following: $availability->getCapacityInfo()->getOccupancy().

Filter criteria

When making requests you can can use criteria objects for setting filter options:

  • TrekkSoft\SDK\Criteria\ActivityCriteria for activities
  • TrekkSoft\SDK\Criteria\AvailabilityCriteria for availabilities
  • TrekkSoft\SDK\Criteria\MerchantCriteria for merchants

E.g. the following will only return all activities of bus2alps merchant which contain "rome":

$criteria = new \TrekkSoft\SDK\Criteria\ActivityCriteria();

Availability Criteria example:

$criteria = new \TrekkSoft\SDK\Criteria\AvailabilityCriteria();


Each of the requests to provider returns iterator as a result rather than direct array of the requested objects. This is usable to automatically handle pagination and avoid sending large chunks of data. As you loop through iterator additional requests might be sent to the server as needed. If you want to get a flat array still, use iterator_to_array() method.


This project is maintained by TrekkSoft Team.