
A web crawler which will traverse links found in all parent and child web pages running and performs tasks on each page.

dev-master 2017-09-26 05:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 02:23:14 UTC



This is a work in progress and is not yet complete

Web Crawler is an open source technology which will enable users to crawl through the a collection of webpages and executing customized analyzers on each page.


Add the library to your PHP project using composer.

composer require travy/web-crawler

Use Case

The Crawler will automatically pull all URL addresses listed under an HTML anchor tag on the root URL. Each page that is visited will be run through a collection of Analyzers. These Analyzers can perform various tasks needed for the use of the application such as pruning the markup in order to build a search engine, or almost anything else that can be analyzed.

Custom Analyzer

Analyzers can be created by extending the AbstractAnalyzer class

class MyAnalyzer extends AbstractAnalyzer
    public function analyze($url, $html, Dom $parser)
        //  perform tasks

Analyzer Registry

The AnalyzerRegistry will contain a list of all Analyzers that should be used while crawling the web. Each analyzer will be assigned a unique key so that fields can be manipulated if needed.

$analyzer = new MyAnalyzer();

$analyzerRegistry = new AnalyzerRegistry();
$analyzerRegistry->registrer($analyzer, 'add-to-database');

$crawler = new Crawler('', $analyzerRegsitry);