
Twitter oAuth and API request library with an easy to use syntax.

dev-master 2014-06-07 03:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 23:24:41 UTC


PHP class for simple Twitter oAuth token requests, authentication, and API v1.1 requests. (Built on the TwitterOAuth package)

Getting Started

Install with Composer by adding this to your composer.json file:

"require": {
	"traviswimer/twittering": "dev-master"

Then run compsoser install or php composer.phar install, depending on your setup.

Example usage

// Include Composer autoloader
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

// First create initialize a Twittering object with you API key/secret
$twittering = new \Twittering\Twittering(array(
	"api_key" => "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
	"api_secret" => "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",

// Then the requestTokens() method can be used to redirect the user to Twitter
// for authentication. The user will then be sent back to the URL of your script.
// This time, when requestTokens() is called, it will detect the $_GET parameters
// sent from Twitter and continue with the authorization process.
$tokens = $twittering->requestTokens();

// Now that you have the tokens, you can save them to a database for future use.

// To make API requests, call the authenticate() method.
$apiConnection = $twittering->authenticate( $tokens );

// You are now ready to make API requests
$timeline = $apiConnection->get( 'statuses/home_timeline', array('count' => '10') );


new \Twittering\Twittering( $api_auth_info, );

  • $api_auth_info - Array containing oAuth information.
    • "api_key" - Your app's consumer key
    • "api_secret" - Your app's consumer secret

requestTokens( $callback_url, $redirect );

This method behaves differently if the $_GET variables oauth_token and oauth_verifier are set

Without $_GET variables (Initial request)

This will send the user to Twitter to authorize your app.

  • $callback_url (Default: Current URL) - String. The URL Twitter should redirect the user back to once they have authorized your app.
  • $redirect (Default: true) - Boolean. Determines if the user should automatically be redirected to Twitter to authorize your app. If set to false, requestTokens() will instead return the URL where you should send the user.

With $_GET variables (Twitter callback request)

This generate the user's long-term tokens.

No parameters are needed during this second pass. This will return an array containing the user's long-term tokens that can be stored in your database. You can also pass this array directly to the authenticate() method.

authenticate( $tokens );

This method creates an object can interact with the Twitter API on the authenticated user's behalf.

  • $tokens - array. An associative array of the user's tokens. Should contain the following keys, as obtained from the requestTokens() method:
    • oauth_token
    • oauth_token_secret


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.