
Enable doctrine entities translations

dev-master 2018-02-20 11:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 13:42:50 UTC


This bundle is about making an entity translatable and creating forms to store translated data into database. It's based on Gedmo Doctrine2 extensions.


  • Updates the database to handle translation
  • Persist and get translated values
  • Configure as many supported langages as you want
  • Custom form types to render in forms

Install pxtranslationBundle

1/ Add require to your composer.json and update:

"translation/px-translation-bundle" : "dev-master"

2/ Update your AppKernel.php:

new translation\pxTranslationBundle\translationpxTranslationBundle()

3/ Update your assets :

php bin/console assets:install

4/ Add the translation custom theme uder Twig in your config.yml :

     - '@translationpxTranslation/Form/translatable_text-prototype.html.twig'

5/ Make sure JQuery is included in your base template:

 <script src="" >

6/ Update your entities by this command, you need to make sure that you delete the correspondents getter and setters before executing the command line :

php bin/console doctrine:translate:entity myBundle:entityName column1,column2
(exple: php bin/console doctrine:translate:entity AppBundle:Book name,description)

7/ Update your database:

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force 

8/ Update your form type:

- text:
  ->add('column', translatableType::class, array("data" => $builder->getData(), "type" => FlagTextType::class))
  (exple: ->add('name', translatableType::class, array("data" => $builder->getData(), "type" => FlagTextType::class)))

- textarea:
   ->add('comumn', translatableType::class, array("data" => $builder->getData(), "type" => FlagTextAreaType::class)) 
   (exple: ->add('description', translatableType::class, array("data" => $builder->getData(), "type" => FlagTextAreaType::class)))

9/ Just submit your form !