TransactPRO php integration

v1.2.3 2023-12-19 10:57 UTC


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Library provide ability to make requests to TransactPRO Gateway API.
Library are supported by me, and not by TransactPRO. So, submit all requests, issues and questions directly here (on GitHub). Library provided as is.
You must adopt library for your projects by yourselves, I only provide basic functionality to make requests.



Recommended way of installation is through composer.
Run command line command composer require transact-pro/gate or add to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "transact-pro/gate": "^v1.1"

And then install with:

$ composer.phar install


You can manually download library and use autoloader.

require_once 'lib/autoloader.php'


Create gate client

Basic client

use TransactPRO\Gate\GateClient;

$gateClient = new GateClient(array(
    'apiUrl'    => '',
    'guid'      => 'AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA',
    'pwd'       => '111'

Client with disabled SSL check.

use TransactPRO\Gate\GateClient;

$gateClient = new GateClient(array(
    'apiUrl'    => '',
    'guid'      => 'AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA',
    'pwd'       => '111',
    'verifySSL' => false


GateClient instance provide number of actions, such as 'charge' or 'status_request'. All data passed into action are validated and if mandatory field missed, then exception will be raised. Please check integration manual, to get more info about required data for each action.


$response = $gateClient->init(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => '1',
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => ''


$response = $gateClient->charge(array(
    'f_extended'                  => '5',
    'init_transaction_id'         => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc'                          => '5111111111111111',
    'cvv'                         => '111',
    'expire'                      => '01/20',
    'browser_accept_header'       => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
    'browser_java_enabled'        => true,
    'browser_javascript_enabled'  => true,
    'browser_language'            => "en-US",
    'browser_color_depth'         => "24",
    'browser_screen_height'       => "1080",
    'browser_screen_width'        => "1920",
    'browser_tz'                  => "-180" ,
    'browser_user_agent'          => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0",

Init DMS

$response = $gateClient->initDms(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => ''

Make hold

$response = $gateClient->makeHold(array(
    'f_extended'          => '5',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc'                  => '5111111111111111',
    'cvv'                 => '111',
    'expire'              => '01/20'

Charge hold

$response = $gateClient->chargeHold(array(
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg'

Cancel DMS

$response = $gateClient->cancelDms(array(
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'amount_to_refund'    => '100'

Cancel request

$response = $gateClient->cancelRequest(array(
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg'


$response = $gateClient->refund(array(
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'amount_to_refund'    => '100'

Status request

$response = $gateClient->statusRequest(array(
    'request_type'        => 'transaction_status',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'f_extended'          => '5'

Init P2P transactions

$response = $gateClient->initP2P(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',
    'save_card'               => '1',
    'cardname'                => 'John Doe',
    'recipient_name'          => 'Jane Doe',
    'client_birth_date'       => '06291988',

Do P2P transactions

$response = $gateClient->doP2P(array(
    'f_extended'          => '5',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc_2'                => '5111111111111111',

Init B2P transactions

$response = $gateClient->initB2P(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '10',
    'currency'                => 'RUB',
    'name_on_card'            => 'John Doe 1',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'client_birth_date'       =>  '15101970',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',

Do B2P transactions

$response = $gateClient->chargeB2P(array(
    'f_extended'          => '5',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc_2'                => '5111111111111111',
    'expire2' => '11/22',

Init Credit transactions

$response = $gateClient->initCredit(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',

Do Credit transactions

$response = $gateClient->doCredit(array(
    'f_extended'             => '5',
    'init_transaction_id'    => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc'                     => '5111111111111111',
    'cvv'                    => '111',
    'expire'                 => '01/20',
    'merchant_referring_url' => '',

Init A2A transactions

$response = $gateClient->initA2A(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' =>  microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',
    'save_card'               => '1',
    'cardname'                => 'John Doe',
    'client_birth_date'       => '29061988',

Do A2A transactions

$response = $gateClient->doA2A(array(
    'f_extended'          => '5',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc_2'                => '5111111111111111',

Init store card for further SMS transactions without card

$response = $gateClient->initStoreCardSms(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => '1',
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => ''

Init store card for further Credit transactions without card

$response = $gateClient->initStoreCardCredit(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',

Init store card for further P2P transactions without card

$response = $gateClient->initStoreCardP2P(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'user_ip'                 => '',
    'description'             => 'Test description',
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'currency'                => 'LVL',
    'name_on_card'            => 'Vasyly Pupkin',
    'street'                  => 'Main street 1',
    'zip'                     => 'LV-0000',
    'city'                    => 'Riga',
    'country'                 => 'LV',
    'state'                   => 'NA',
    'email'                   => '',
    'phone'                   => '+371 11111111',
    'card_bin'                => '511111',
    'bin_name'                => 'BANK',
    'bin_phone'               => '+371 11111111',
    'merchant_site_url'       => '',
    'save_card'               => '1',
    'cardname'                => 'John Doe',
    'recipient_name'          => 'Jane Doe',
    'client_birth_date'       => '06291988',

Store card for further transactions without card

$response = $gateClient->storeCard(array(
    'f_extended'          => '5',
    'init_transaction_id' => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'cc'                  => '5111111111111111',
    'expire'              => '01/20'

Initial recurrent transaction (usual, P2P, Credit)

For usual Recurrent use:

  • initRecurrent

For P2P recurrent use:

  • initRecurrentCredit

For Credit recurrent use:

  • initRecurrentP2P

For Credit recurrent use:

  • initRecurrentA2A

Fields in these requests are same, read documetation for details.


$response = $gateClient->initRecurrent(array(
    'rs'                      => 'AAAA',
    'original_init_id'        => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',
    'merchant_transaction_id' => microtime(true),
    'amount'                  => '100',
    'description'             => 'Test description',

Charge recurrent transaction

For usual Recurrent use:

  • chargeRecurrent

For P2P recurrent use:

  • doRecurrentCredit

For Credit recurrent use:

  • doRecurrentP2P

For A2A recurrent use:

  • doRecurrentA2A


$response = $gateClient->chargeRecurrent(array(
    'f_extended'             => '5',
    'init_transaction_id'    => '13hpf5rp1e0ss72dypjnhalzn1wmrkfmsjtwzocg',


Response instance returned as action result.


To check if curl request was successful, you can use isSuccessful method;

$response->isSuccessful(); // Return bool.


To get raw response you can use getResponseContent.

If request was successful, then API response was returned. If not, then curl_error was returned.

$response->getResponseContent(); // Return string.
$response->getParsedResponse();  // Parsed response content.


If you wish to run tests, you need to install development dependencies:

$ composer.phar install --dev

And then run them with:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit