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Simple to use mailer, with Sendgrid in the background

1.0.4 2020-07-25 09:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 19:57:38 UTC


Simple to use mailer, built with Sendgrid in the background. Sends basic html email, with or without email attachments.


You will need to provide:

Key example: SG.QDzWlz_gShWMVi8svP...


Install QSendgrid with composer:

composer require tparcina/qsendgrid

Basic usage

Sending basic html email:


use QAlliance\QSendgrid;

// Create new QSendgrid object
$qs = new QSendgrid('NO_REPLY_EMAIL', 'SENDGRID_API_KEY');

// Send email to given address with given subject and content, returns bool
$result = $qs->send('', 'My Subject', '<h1>This is a QSendgrid test email.</h1>');

Sending html email with fromName parameter

// Send email to given address with given subject, content and fromName, returns bool
$result = $qs->send('', 'My Subject', '<h1>This is a QSendgrid test email.</h1>', null, 'From Name');

Sending html email with attachments:


use QAlliance\QSendgrid;

$attachmentUrls = [

// Create new QSendgrid object
$qs = new QSendgrid('NO_REPLY_EMAIL', 'SENDGRID_API_KEY');

// Send email to given address with given subject and content, returns bool
$result = $qs->send('', 'My Subject', '<h1>This is a QSendgrid test email with attachments.</h1>', $attachmentUrls);

Sending email with both html and text/plain content

// Send email with both html and text/plain content, returns bool
$result = $qSendgrid->sendWithTextPlain('', 'My Subject', '<h1>This is a QSendgrid test email with plain text.</h1>', 'This is a QSendgrid test email with plain text', null, 'From Name');

Running the tests

Edit PHPUnit bootstrap file (phpunit.bootstrap.php) and add required values. Run tests with this command:

vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap phpunit.bootstrap.php
