
Total Processing Open Payment Platform Magento Module

3.0.6 2024-08-30 14:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 14:33:08 UTC


At the moment module could be installed only in app/code. Module will be available for composer-based installations soon.

Important Module Dependencies related to third-party cookies handling

In Feb 2021 Google Chrome and the other mainstream browsers have adopted a new a third-party cookies restriction policy and SameSite value is Lax by default. That prevents all iframe-based implementations to get or manage the session cookie, that way payments are not getting processed correctly. This module also depends on it and needs an additional extension installed until Adobe release v2.4.4 in which is supposed to have a way to control cookie policy OOTB.

MDN SameSite cookies is an explanation of the work flow of the SameSite cookie property, which is defining requirements to the environment. TotalProcessing/Opp uses cookies with attributes SameSite=none; secure=true;. This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS) and cookies will be rejected because it has the SameSite attribute set to None or an invalid value, without the secure attribute. Secure property value is set based on the type of the connection (HTTPS/HTTP similarly the value is true/false). As result of the policies TotalProcessing/Opp module should work only on HTTPS connections.

Veriteworks/CookieFix is an experimental extension providing the necessary default cookie policy adjustments. At the time of the release of this document there are two tags available for the different Magento versions - 2.4.2 is supported by all Magento 2.2.x and 2.3.x versions until 2.3.6-p1. Magento versions 2.3.6-p1 and above, including 2.4.x need Veriteworks_CookieFix tag 3.0.1 which is adding an option in admin to specify default SameSite policy. You need to install the version compatible with your Magento instance together with this extension.

Composer Installation

To install extension in Magento 2 via composer:

  1. Open the command line.
  2. Navigate to the Magento 2 root directory.
  3. Run CLI commands:

composer require total-processing/magento-plugin --no-update

composer update total-processing/magento-plugin

  1. Run Magento CLI commands:

php bin/magento module:enable TotalProcessing_Opp --clear-static-content

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento cache:flush

Refer to docs for any additional information:

Packagist Link

Manual Installation

  1. Obtain the module code archive and extract it somewhere (or check it out from a remote repository when such is already available).
  1. In Magento root create a new sub-folder app/code/TotalProcessing/Opp
  1. Copy extracted archive contents into the newly-created folder. Make sure composer.json, registration.php and the folders like Block, Controller, Model, etc. are placed in app/code/TotalProcessing/Opp and not in a sub-level folder.
  1. Check out the suitable version of Veriteworks/CookieFix (see details above how to find which one is for your platform version) into app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFix:

    For Magento versions below 2.3.6-p1

     $ git clone --branch 2.4.2 app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFix

    For Magento versions 2.3.6-p1 and above

     $ git clone --branch 3.0.1 app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFix

    Veriteworks/CookieFix README contains further information regarding configuration.

  1. Check modules' status with magento CLI

    $ bin/magento module:status

    The output should be similar to the following:

    List of disabled modules:
  2. Enable both TotalProcessing_Opp and Veriteworks_CookieFix modules by executing the following commands:

    $ bin/magento module:enable TotalProcessing_Opp
    $ bin/magento module:enable Veriteworks_CookieFix
  3. Execute Magento deployment commands:

    $ bin/magento setup:upgrade
    $ bin/magento setup:di:compile
    $ bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    $ bin/magento cache:flush

Post-installation steps

After installing both modules continue with payment method configuration in admin panel. Configuration options are available at Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Total Processing Limited. Veriteworks CookieFix module SameSite policy is applied by default with tag 2.4.2. A new admin option appears with tag 3.0.1 as Stores > Configuration > General > Web > Default Cookie Settings.

You can find various test credit card numbers in TotalProcessing documentation portal.