
Simple Laravel wrapper class for markdown parser.

1.0.12 2018-01-21 03:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 06:46:04 UTC


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Simple Laravel wrapper class for markdown parser such as michelf/php-markdown or cebe/markdown, etc.

This package is just wrapper classes for Laravel, it won't parse markdown by itself, for that you need a actual parser. Add your favorite Markdown Parser.



  • Blade directives: @markdown, @endmarkdown, @markdownFile.
  • Laravel helpers: markdown(), markdown_config(), markdown_file(), markdown_capture().
  • Laravel facade: Markdown::parse(), Markdown::setConfig(), Markdown::file(), Markdown::start(), Markdown::end()
  • Wrapper class main: Tomakee\Markdown\Parser

Howto Install PHP Composer

You need to install php coomposer first if you don't have it in your system.

#install composer (Linux or MacOS)
curl -sS | php

#move composer.phar into somewhere accessable (such as /usr/local/bin)
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/composer

Howto Create Laravel Project

After install php composer, you need to create a Laravel project.
You can skip this step if you simply add it in your project.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel LARAVEL_PROJECT_DIR

#or with version
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel "5.4.*" LARAVEL_PROJECT_DIR

Howto Install

After install Laravel, you can install this package with follow commands.

composer require tomakee/laravel-markddown-wrapper
php artisan vendor:publish

Add Laravel Service Provider into config/app.php.

return [
    'providers' => [

And add your favorite Markdown Parser such as:

composer require michelf/php-markdown
composer require cebe/markdown

Blade Directives

You can create view mixed markdown and Blade.
For example:

single line

@markdown('some markdown text.')

multiple line

some markdown text.
[link text](/link/path)

include markdown file

@markdownFile('')  {{-- path format is same as Laravel view. --}}

You can set different resources path. 
But if your project always use different path from default, 
change the config setting (app/config/markdown.php).

@markdownFile('', [resources path,,,]);

Laravel Helpers

Anywhere Controller, etc., you can access to the wrapper class.


//parse markdown text
$html = markdown('some markdown text.');


//change parser config
$parser = markdown_config('hard_wrap', false);
$html = $parser->parse('some markdown text.');

//change parser config and parse markdown
$html = markdown_config(['hard_wrap' => false, 'code_class_prefix' => 'prefix-'])
        ->parse('some markdown text.');


//parse markdown file
$html = markdown_file('');  //path format is same as Laravel view.

//You can set different resources path.
//But if your project always use different path from default,
//change the config setting (app/config/markdown.php).

$html = markdown_file('', [resources path,,,,]);


$html = markdown_capture(function () {
    echo 'some markdown text.';

//with params
$html = markdown_capture(function () use ($args1, $args2) {
    echo $args1 . $args2 . 'some markdown text.';

Laravel Facade

In your Controller, etc., you can access to the wrapper class with Laravel Facade.

Import markdown facade

To use Laravel Facade, first, you need import Markdown Facade.
Class path:

use Tomakee\Markdown\Facades\Markdown;


//parse markdown text
$html = Markdown::parse('some markdown text.');


//parse markdown file
$html = Markdown::file('');  //path format is same as Laravel view.

//You can set different resources path.
//But if your project always use different path from default,
//change the config setting (app/config/markdown.php).

$html = Markdown::file('', [resources path,,,]);


//change parser config
$html = Markdown::setConfig('hard_wrap', false)
    ->parse('some markdown text.');

//temporary change parser config
$html = Markdown::setConfig('hard_wrap', false)->parse('some markdown text.');
Markdown::setConfig('hard_wrap', true);


It's accessable to the original parser method directly through to __call() magic method:

//direct access to the original parser methods if you need

Laravel App Container

It can access wrapper class instance from binded application container. See this php: src/MarkdownServiceProvider.php.


app('markdown'), app('Tomakee\Markdown\Parser')

//get instance
$instance = app('markdown');
$instance = app('Tomakee\Markdown\Parser');


//parse markdown text
$html = app('markdown')->parse('some markdown text.');


//parse markdown file
$html = app('markdown')->file('');  //path format is same as Laravel view.

//You can set different resources path.
//But if your project always use different path from default,
//change the config setting (app/config/markdown.php).

$html = app('markdown')->file('', [resources path,,,]);


//change parser config
$html = app('markdown')->setConfig('hard_wrap', false)
    ->parse('some markdown text.');

//temporary change parser config
$html = app('markdown')->setConfig('hard_wrap', false)
    ->parse('some markdown text.');
app('markdown')->setConfig('hard_wrap', true);


It's accessable to the original parser method directly through to __call() magic method:

//direct access to the original parser methods if you need

Markdown Parser Config

Markdown wrapper class config is placed at app/config/markdown.php after execute:

php artisan vendor:publish


    'default'    => 'github',
    'resources'  => [resource_path('views')],
    'extensions' => ['md', 'md.blade.php', 'blade.php', 'php'],
        'id'      => 'github',
        'parser'  => \cebe\markdown\GithubMarkdown::class,
        'methods' => [
                'single' => 'parseParagraph',
                'multi'  => 'parse',
        'config'  => [
                'html5'               => true,
                'enableNewlines'      => true,
                'keepListStartNumber' => false,


Automatically loading parser class id (see Parser settings > id).
(default value: 'michelf-extra')


Markdown file resources path. Markdown files will be finded in this path. If they are placed in different pathes, then should be set all of pathes in this array().
(default value: [resource_path('views')])


Markdown file extensions array.
(default value: ['md', 'md.blade.php', 'blade.php', 'php'])

Parser settings

  • id : Unique id string for the parser class. If it's unique, anything is possible.
  • parser : Full path string of the parser class such as \namespace\to\class::class.
  • methods : A single or multiple line to parse markdown method name. Array keys are "single" and "multi".
    • single : for single line markdown.
    • multi : for multipule line markdown.
  • config : Parser class config properties array. If there is no config, value must be empty array().