
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.3.1) of this package.

v0.3.1 2017-06-08 14:35 UTC


Create base modules or other file structures based on templates. Similar to Laravel's Artisan command however templates are not tied to a specific framework and are intended to be specific for a projects needs.

When you run MrOAK you are required to supply two parameters.

Template: A path to <your_module_template>. This can either be an absolute path or the name of a package in the vendor directory.

Module Path: A path to where you wish your new module to reside.

MrOAK will then take everything in the <your_module_template> directory and copy it to the path/to/new/module.

Whilst doing this it will replace references in your template files and file names to both {Namespace} and {Module} with the values supplied to MrOAK.


composer require tohmua/mr-oak
composer require <your_module_template>



vendor/bin/MrOak create -h
vendor/bin/MrOak create --namespace="YourProject\\" <your_module_template>" path/to/new/module

Note: It is recommended that you alias this in your composer.json file as a script. In most use cases things like the template and namespace will not need to change so they can be omitted via an alias. e.g.

"scripts": {
    "create-module": [
        "vendor/bin/MrOak create --namespace Acme\\\\ <your_module_template> "

You can then just run composer create-module src/NewModule


<your_module_template> can either be the path to a directory e.g. vendor/my-template/module or the composer name e.g. my-template/module.

MrOAK will take a copy of everything in that directory replacing references to both {Namespace} and {Module} in files and file names with the config supplied.
