
A Laravel package for connecting to (Iran) Zarrinpal gateway

v1.0.2 2018-10-15 19:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 18:31:40 UTC


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Laravel package for Zarinpal

This package is built for connecting Iranian websites to Zarrinpal gateway.


  1. Run the command below
composer require tohidplus/zarrinpal
  1. Add the following code to end of the providers array in config/app.php file.
  1. Add the following code to end of the aliases array in config/app.php file.
'aliases' => [
  1. Run the command below
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Tohidplus\Zarrinpal\ZarrinpalServiceProvider
  1. Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
  1. Now you can see a new config file named zarrinpal.php is added to config directory. So open the file...
return [
    'merchantId'=>'XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX',
    'description'=>'Some text here',

Add the merchantId , description and the callBackUrl which you want to redirect the user from bank after transaction is finished.

Notice: you can leave callbackUrl and description here blanked and define it when you call setData method dynamically as we will explain in the next part.


setData method

Before redirecting user to the gateway you have to initialize the fields using this method otherwise you will get an exception.


  • amount (Required)
  • email (Optional)
  • mobile (Optional)
  • description ( If you haven't defined it in config file you must set it here )
  • callBackUrl ( If you haven't defined it in config file you must set it here )

redirect method

after initializing the fields you can redirect user to the bank using this method.


  • It only accepts one parameter as a callback funtion and if there is an error while redirection the callback function will be triggered with status code as parameter.

verify method

This method indicates if transaction is successful or not.


  • request is the request which you get from bank and you have to pass it to verify method.
  • success is a callback function which will be triggered if transaction is successful and accepts refId as parameter.
  • error is a callback function which will be triggered if transaction is unsuccessful.

Full example


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Tohidplus\Zarrinpal\Facades\Zarrinpal;

class PaymentController extends Controller
    public function redirectUserToBank()

        Zarrinpal::setData(100,'','09XXXXXXXXX','Some descripion','another/callback/url');

        return Zarrinpal::redirect(function($status){
            // Do something if there was a problem while redirection

    public function verifyPayment(Request $request)
        return Zarrinpal::verify($request,
        function ($refId){
            // The transaction is successfull    
        },function ($message,$status=null){
            // The trasnsaction is unsuccessful
            // if message was canceled it means user has canceled transaction them self
            // if message was unsuccessful it means an error has occurred 

Transaction Logs

Simply all events are saved in zarrinpal_logs table which is associated with Tohidplus\Zarrinpal\Models\ZarrinpalLog model


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Tohidplus\Zarrinpal\Models\ZarrinpalLog;

class ZarrinpalLogController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $successfulTransactions = ZarrinpalLog::successful()->get();
        $unsuccessfulTransactions = ZarrinpalLog::unsuccessful()->get();
        $successfulTransactions = ZarrinpalLog::canceled()->get();
        $pendingTransactions = ZarrinpalLog::pending()->get();