
Generating fake data customized for your PHP application needs.

1.0.1 2023-03-04 13:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 18:04:29 UTC


Generating fake data customized for your PHP application needs.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the Seeder service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-seeder


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design
  • Flexible managing your resource data to fit your application
  • Easily extendable


Do only use for seeding. It will not generate cryptographically secure string and numbers as it focuses more on speed.

Create Seed

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeedInterface;

$seed = new Seed(
    resources: new Resources(),
    locale: 'en',
    localeFallbacks: ['de' => 'en'],
    localeMapping: ['de' => 'de-CH'],

var_dump($seed instanceof SeedInterface);
// bool(true)

Add Seeders

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\UserSeeder;

    name: 'user',
    seeder: new UserSeeder($seed)

Add callable seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeedInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Lorem;

    method: 'word',
    seeder: function(SeedInterface $seed, null|string|array $locale, array $params): string {
        return Lorem::word(...$params);

$words = $seed->word(number: 2);

Add callable seeder using resource items

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeedInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Arr;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Lorem;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('colors', 'en', [
            'blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'pink',
        new Resource('colors', 'de', [
            'blau', 'rot', 'grün', 'gelb', 'pink',

    method: 'color',
    seeder: function(SeedInterface $seed, null|string|array $locale, array $params): string {
        $colors = $seed->getItems('colors', $locale);
        if (!empty($colors)) {
            return Arr::item($colors);
        return ucfirst(Lorem::word(number: 1));

// default locale used:
$color = $seed->color();

// specific locale:
$color = $seed->locale('de')->color();

// specific locales:
$color = $seed->locale(['en', 'de'])->color();

// all locales:
$color = $seed->locale([])->color();



The Seed::class dynamically calls a seeder method to seed data. It throws a SeedMethodCallException if no seeder is found supporting the called method.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceSeeder;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeedMethodCallException;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',

$seed->addSeeder('resource', new ResourceSeeder($seed));

try {
    $value = $seed->itemFrom(resource: 'countries');    
    // string(11) "Switzerland"
} catch (SeedMethodCallException $e) {
    // handle


You may use the seeder method to return a seeder added.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceSeeder;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeederInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeederNotFoundException;

$seed = new Seed(new Resources());

$seed->addSeeder('resource', new ResourceSeeder($seed));

try {
    var_dump($seed->seeder('resource') instanceof SeederInterface);
    // bool(true)
} catch (SeederNotFoundException $e) {
    // handle


You may use the resources method to return the resources.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourcesInterface;

$seed = new Seed(new Resources());

var_dump($seed->resources() instanceof ResourcesInterface);
// bool(true)


You may use the getItems method to return items of a specified resource. If multiple locales specified, it merges items.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',

$items = $seed->getItems(
    name: 'countries',
    locale: 'en', // null|string|array

// array(3) { [0]=> string(3) "Usa" [1]=> string(11) "Switzerland" [2]=> string(7) "Germany" }

// default locale used:
$items = $seed->getItems('countries');

// specific locale:
$items = $seed->getItems('countries', 'en');

// specific locales:
$items = $seed->getItems('countries', ['en']);

// all locales:
$items = $seed->getItems('countries', []);


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;

$seed = new Seed(
    resources: new Resources(),
    locale: 'en',
    localeFallbacks: ['de' => 'en'],
    localeMapping: ['de' => 'de-CH'],

// set the default locale:

// get the default locale:
// string(2) "de"

// set the locale fallbacks:
$seed->setLocaleFallbacks(['de' => 'en']);

// get the locale fallbacks:
// array(1) { ["de"]=> string(2) "en" }

// set the locale mapping:
$seed->setLocaleMapping(['de' => 'de-CH']);

// get the locale mapping:
// array(1) { ["de"]=> string(5) "de-CH" }


Use the locale method before calling a seeder method to seed data from resources in the specific locale(s).

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceSeeder;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',
        new Resource('countries', 'de', [
            'Usa', 'Schweiz', 'Deutschland',

$seed->addSeeder('resource', new ResourceSeeder($seed));

// default locale used:
var_dump($seed->itemFrom(resource: 'countries'));
// string(7) "Germany"

// specific locale:
// string(7) "Schweiz"

// specific locales:
var_dump($seed->locale(['en', 'de'])->itemFrom('countries'));
// string(11) "Deutschland"

// all locales:
// string(3) "Usa"

Random Seeding

You may use the random method before calling a seeder method to seed the specified value randomly by its probability percentage.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceSeeder;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',

$seed->addSeeder('resource', new ResourceSeeder($seed));

$value = $seed->random(
    value: null,
    probability: 50 // between 0 (always get false) and 100 (always get true)
)->itemFrom(resource: 'countries');



Resource Seeder

The resource seeder provides handy methods to seed data using resource items. If no Resoucres for the methods are provided, it fallsback to Lorem Seeder word(s) depending on methods.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceSeeder;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',
        new Resource('countries', 'de', [
            'Usa', 'Schweiz', 'Deutschland',

$seed->addSeeder('resource', new ResourceSeeder($seed));

// default locale used:
var_dump($seed->itemFrom(resource: 'countries'));
// string(7) "Germany"

// specific locale:
// string(7) "Schweiz"

// specific locales:
var_dump($seed->locale(['en', 'de'])->itemFrom('countries'));
// string(11) "Deutschland"

// all locales:
// string(3) "Usa"

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
itemFrom resource: 'countries' Returns a randomly selected item from the specified resource items.
itemsFrom resource: 'countries', number: 3, unique: true Returns randomly selected items from the specified resource items. If unique is set to true, it might return fewer items number as specified.

DateTime Seeder

The DateTime seeder provides handy methods to seed DateTime data. You may visit Dater Service for more detail on the DateFormatter::class.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\DateTimeSeeder;
use Tobento\Service\Dater\DateFormatter;

$seed = new Seed(new Resources());

$df = new DateFormatter(
    locale: $seed->getLocale()

$seed->addSeeder('dateTime', new DateTimeSeeder($df));

$dateTime = $seed->dateTime(from: '-30 years', to: 'now');

// object(DateTimeImmutable)#8 (3) { ["date"]=> string(26) "2015-11-29 14:55:24.000000" ["timezone_type"]=> int(3) ["timezone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" }

var_dump($seed->locale('de')->month(3, 6, 'MMM'));
// string(5) "März"

var_dump($seed->locale(['de', 'fr'])->weekday(1, 7, 'EEEE'));
// string(7) "Sonntag"

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
dateTime from: '-30 years', to: 'now' Returns a date time object between the specified from and to date.
month from: 1, to: 12, pattern: 'MMMM' Returns a month between the specified from and to month formatted by pattern. Pattern: 'M' = '1', 'MM' = '09', 'MMM' = 'Jan', 'MMMM' = 'January'
weekday from: 1, to: 7, pattern: 'MMMM' Returns a weekday between the specified from and to weekday formatted by pattern. Pattern: E, EE, or EEE = 'Tue', 'EEEE' = 'Tuesday', 'EEEEE' = 'T', 'EEEEEE' = 'Tu'

User Seeder

The user seeder provides handy methods to seed user data. If no Resoucres for the methods are provided, it fallsback to Lorem Seeder word(s) depending on methods.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\UserSeeder;

$seed = new Seed(
    new Resources(
        new Resource('countries', 'en', [
            'Usa', 'Switzerland', 'Germany',
        new Resource('countries', 'de', [
            'Usa', 'Schweiz', 'Deutschland',

$seed->addSeeder('user', new UserSeeder($seed));

// default locale used:
// string(7) "Germany"

// specific locale:
// string(7) "Schweiz"

// specific locales:
var_dump($seed->locale(['en', 'de'])->country());
// string(11) "Deutschland"

// all locales:
// string(3) "Usa"

Available methods

Method Parameters Resource(s) Used Description
firstnameFemale firstnamesFemale Returns a random female firstname.
firstnameMale firstnamesMale Returns a random male firstname.
firstname firstnamesFemale, firstnamesMale Returns a random firstname.
lastname lastnames Returns a random lastname.
fullnameFemale separator: ' ' firstnamesFemale, lastnames Returns a random female fullname.
fullnameMale separator: ' ' firstnamesMale, lastnames Returns a random male fullname.
fullname firstnamesFemale, firstnamesMale, lastnames Returns a random fullname.
firm firms Returns a random firm.
street withNumber: false streets Returns a random street.
postcode postcodes Returns a random postcode.
city cities Returns a random city.
country countries Returns a random country.
email from: null domains, firstnamesFemale, firstnamesMale, lastnames Returns a random email. It will create the email based on the from parameter if specified.
smartphone smartphones Returns a random smartphone number.
telephone telephones Returns a random telephone number.
password Returns a random password.

Create Custom Seeder

You may create a custom seeder for your application.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seeder;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Seed;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\SeedInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Arr;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Lorem;

class CustomSeeder extends Seeder
     * Create a new CustomSeeder.
     * @param SeedInterface $seed
    public function __construct(
        protected SeedInterface $seed,
    ) {}
     * Returns the seed method names the seeder provides.
     * @return array<int, string>
    public function seeds(): array
        return [

     * Returns a randomly selected item from the specified resource items.
     * @return mixed
    public function paymentMethod(): mixed
        // get items from resource.
        $items = $this->seed->getItems('payment_methods', $this->locale);

        if (empty($items)) {
            // if no payment_methods resource is defined fallback to:
            $items = ['invoice', 'creditcard', 'paypal'];
        return Arr::item($items);

$seed = new Seed(new Resources());
$seed->addSeeder('custom', new CustomSeeder($seed));

// string(6) "paypal"


Create Resources

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourcesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']

var_dump($resources instanceof ResourcesInterface);
// bool(true)

Add Resources

You may add resources by using the add method:

add resource

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources();

$resources->add(new Resource('colors', 'en', [
    'red', 'blue',

add resources

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources();

$resources->add(new Resources(
    new Resource('colors', 'en', [
        'red', 'blue',

Filter Resources

You may use the filter methods returning a new instance.


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceInterface;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'de', 
        items: ['blau', 'rot']

// filter by locale:
$resources = $resources->filter(
    fn(ResourceInterface $r): bool => $r->locale() === 'de'


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'de', 
        items: ['blau', 'rot']

// filter by locale:
$resources = $resources->locale('en');


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'de', 
        items: ['blau', 'rot']

// filter by locales:
$resources = $resources->locales(['en', 'de']);


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'de', 
        items: ['blau', 'rot']

// filter by name:
$resources = $resources->name('colors');

File Resource

You may use the file resource to load data from json or php files.

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceFile;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new ResourceFile(
    file: __DIR__.'/seeder/countries.json', 
    locale: 'en', 
    resourceName: 'countries'

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);

Supported files are json and php


["Switzerland", "Germany"]


return ['Switzerland', 'Germany'];

Get Resources And Items


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceInterface;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']

foreach($resources->all() as $resource) {
    var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
    // bool(true)
    // string(6) "colors"
    // string(2) "en"
    // array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "blue" [1]=> string(3) "red" }


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resources;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Resource;

$resources = new Resources(
    new Resource(
        name: 'colors', 
        locale: 'en', 
        items: ['blue', 'red']

$items = $resources->locale('en')->items();

// array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "blue" [1]=> string(3) "red" }

⚠️ You must call locale() or locales() before all() or items() method if you have added (sub or lazy) resources, otherwise they will not get loaded.

foreach($resources->locale('en')->all() as $resource) {
    var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
    // bool(true)

Files Resources

You may use the files resources to load resource data from a directory.

Create Files Resources

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\FilesResources;
use Tobento\Service\Dir\Dirs;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourcesInterface;

$resources = new FilesResources(
    (new Dirs())->dir(dir: 'private/seeder/')

var_dump($resources instanceof ResourcesInterface);
// bool(true)

Directory Structure


Supported Files

Currently supported files are json and php.


["Switzerland", "Germany"]


return ['Switzerland', 'Germany'];

Supporting Other Files

You may support others files by providing your own resource factory:

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\FilesResources;
use Tobento\Service\Dir\Dirs;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

class CustomResourceFactory extends ResourceFactory
     * Create a new Resource from file.
     * @param string|File $file
     * @param string $locale
     * @return ResourceInterface
    public function createResourceFromFile(
        string|File $file,
        string $locale,
    ): ResourceInterface {
        // Create your custom resource for the specific file extension
        // Otherwise use parent
        return parent::createResourceFromFile($file, $locale);

$resources = new FilesResources(
    (new Dirs())->dir(dir: 'private/seeder/'),
    new CustomResourceFactory()

Static Seeders

Str Seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Str;

$string = Str::string(length: 10);

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
string length: 15, chars: 'abc123' Generates a random string. If char parameter is specified it only uses those for generation.
length min: 1, max: 8, chars: 'abc123' Generates a random string between the min and max length with the chars specified.
replace string: 'pattern', with: [] Returns the string replaced with the parameters specified.


use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Str;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Num;

$string = Str::replace(string: 'foo/bar', with: [
    'foo' => Num::int(1, 9),
    'bar' => Num::int(10, 20)

Lorem Seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Lorem;

$string = Lorem::word(number: 10);

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
word number: 10, separator: ' ' Generates a random lorem word(s) in lowercase.
words minWords: 1, maxWords: 10, separator: ' ' Generates a random lorem words between the min and max words specified in lowercase.
sentence number: 10 Generates a random sentence(s).
slug minWords: 1, maxWords: 10 Generates a random slug between the min and max words specified.

Num Seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Num;

$float = Num::float(min: 1.5, max: 55.5);

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
bool Generates a random bool.
int min: 1, max: 1000 Generates a random int between the min and max specified.
float min: 1.5, max: 55.5 Generates a random float between the min and max specified.
price min: 5, max: 80, precision: 0, step: 0.05 Generates a random price between the min and max specified. If the precision parameter is not null, it rounds to the optional number of decimal digits. Use the step parameter for rounding in step.

Json Seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Json;
use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Num;

$string = Json::encode([
    'tax_id' => Num::int(min: 1, max: 10),
    'price_net' => Num::price(min: 1, max: 10),

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
encode items: [] Encodes the specified items to a json string.
decode string: '' Decodes the specified string to an array.

Arr Seeder

use Tobento\Service\Seeder\Arr;

$value = Arr::item(['green', 'red', 'blue']);

Available methods

Method Parameters Description
item items: [] Randomly selects an item value from the items.
items items: [], number: 3, unique: true Randomly selects items value from the items. If unique is set to true, it might return fewer items number as specified.
