tobento / service-form
Building HTML forms easily.
- php: >=8.0
- tobento/service-collection: ^1.0
- tobento/service-message: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- nyholm/psr7: ^1.4
- nyholm/psr7-server: ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- psr/http-message: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-handler: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-middleware: ^1.0
- tobento/service-container: ^1.0
- tobento/service-middleware: ^1.0
- tobento/service-requester: ^1.0
- tobento/service-responser: ^1.0
- tobento/service-session: ^1.0
- vimeo/psalm: ^4.0
- psr/http-message: Required for using middleware
- psr/http-server-handler: Required for using middleware
- psr/http-server-middleware: Required for using middleware
- tobento/service-requester: Required for using middleware
- tobento/service-responser: Required for using ResponserFormFactory
- tobento/service-session: Required for using session tokenizer
Buliding HTML forms.
Table of Contents
- Getting started
- Documentation
- Credits
Getting started
Add the latest version of the html service project running this command.
composer require tobento/service-form
- PHP 8.0 or greater
- Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
- Decoupled design
Create Form
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\InputInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\TokenizerInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\ActiveElementsInterface; use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesInterface; $form = new Form( input: null, // null|InputInterface tokenizer: null, // null|TokenizerInterface activeElements: null, // null|ActiveElementsInterface messages: null // null|MessagesInterface );
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
input | The input data to repopulate values. See Input Data for more detail. |
tokenizer | See Tokenizer for more detail. |
activeElements | See Active Form Elements for more detail. |
messages | Used to display messages. See Messages for more detail. |
Form Factory
You may use form factories to create the form class.
Firstly, make sure you have the responser service installed:
composer require tobento/service-responser
Check out the Responser Service to learn more about it in general.
use Tobento\Service\Form\FormFactoryInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\ResponserFormFactory; use Tobento\Service\Form\ActiveElementsInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Responser\ResponserInterface; $formFactory = new ResponserFormFactory( responser: $responser, // ResponserInterface tokenizer: null, // null|TokenizerInterface activeElements: null, // null|ActiveElementsInterface ); var_dump($formFactory instanceof FormFactoryInterface); // bool(true) $form = $formFactory->createForm(); var_dump($form instanceof Form); // bool(true)
Form Elements
<?= $form->form() ?> // <form method="POST"> <?= $form->close() ?> // </form>
form attributes
<?= $form->form(attributes: ['method' => 'GET']) ?> // <form method="GET">
<?= $form->input( name: 'name', type: 'text', value: 'value', attributes: [], selected: null, withInput: true, ) ?> // <input name="name" id="name" type="text" value="value">
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name of the input element. |
string $type = 'text' | The input type such as text, hidden, checkbox, ... |
null|string $value = null | Any value. |
array $attributes = [] | Any input element attributes. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name']. |
mixed $selected = null | The selected value(s) for checkbox or radio type. |
bool $withInput = true | If the value should be repopulated with the input data. |
Checkbox Type
<?= $form->input( name: 'colors[]', type: 'checkbox', value: 'red', attributes: ['id' => 'colors_red'], selected: ['red'], // or 'red' ) ?> // <input id="colors_red" name="colors[]" type="checkbox" value="red" checked>
You may use the checkboxes method to create multiple checkbox input elements with its labels:
<?= $form->checkboxes( name: 'colors', items: ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue'], selected: ['blue'], attributes: [], labelAttributes: [], withInput: true, wrapClass: 'form-wrap-checkbox' ) ?> /* <span class="form-wrap-checkbox"> <input id="colors_1" name="colors[]" type="checkbox" value="red"> <label for="colors_1">Red</label> </span> <span class="form-wrap-checkbox"> <input id="colors_2" name="colors[]" type="checkbox" value="blue" checked> <label for="colors_2">Blue</label> </span> */
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name of the input element. |
iterable $items = [] | The items. |
array $selected = [] | The selected checkbox values. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the checkbox element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
array $labelAttributes = [] | Any attributes for the label element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
bool $withInput = true | If the value should be repopulated with the input data. |
string $wrapClass = 'form-wrap-checkbox' | The class for the wrap element. |
checkboxes with each
You may use the each method if you have an array of objects or just to have more control over the value, label and array key for the name of the checkbox.
$items = ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue']; <?= $form->checkboxes( name: 'colors', items: $form->each(items: $items, callback: function($item, $key): array { // value:string, label:string|null, array-key:string|null return [$key, strtoupper($item), $key]; }), selected: ['blue'], ) ?> /* <span class="form-wrap-checkbox"> <input id="colors_red" name="colors[red]" type="checkbox" value="red"> <label for="colors_red">RED</label> </span> <span class="form-wrap-checkbox"> <input id="colors_blue" name="colors[blue]" type="checkbox" value="blue" checked> <label for="colors_blue">BLUE</label> </span> */
Radio Type
<?= $form->input( name: 'colors', type: 'radio', value: 'red', attributes: ['id' => 'colors_red'], selected: 'red', ) ?> // <input id="colors_red" name="colors" type="radio" value="red" checked>
You may use the radios method to create multiple radio input elements with its labels:
<?= $form->radios( name: 'colors', items: ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue'], selected: 'blue', attributes: [], labelAttributes: [], withInput: true, wrapClass: 'form-wrap-radio' ) ?> /* <span class="form-wrap-radio"> <input id="colors_1" name="colors[]" type="radio" value="red"> <label for="colors_1">Red</label> </span> <span class="form-wrap-radio"> <input id="colors_2" name="colors[]" type="radio" value="blue" checked> <label for="colors_2">Blue</label> </span> */
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name of the input element. |
iterable $items = [] | The items. |
null|string $selected = null | The selected radio value. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the radio element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
array $labelAttributes = [] | Any attributes for the label element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
bool $withInput = true | If the value should be repopulated with the input data. |
string $wrapClass = 'form-wrap-radio' | The class for the wrap element. |
radios with each
You may use the each method if you have an array of objects or just to have more control over the value and label.
$items = ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue']; <?= $form->radios( name: 'colors', items: $form->each(items: $items, callback: function($item, $key): array { // value:string, label:string|null return [$key, strtoupper($item)]; }), selected: 'blue', ) ?> /* <span class="form-wrap-radio"> <input id="colors_red" name="colors" type="radio" value="red"> <label for="colors_red">RED</label> </span> <span class="form-wrap-radio"> <input id="colors_blue" name="colors" type="radio" value="blue" checked> <label for="colors_blue">BLUE</label> </span> */
<?= $form->label( text: 'Text', for: 'colors', attributes: [], requiredText: '', optionalText: '', ) ?> // <label for="colors">Text</label>
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $text | The label text. |
null|string $for = null | The for attribute should be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the label element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
string $requiredText = '' | Any required text. |
string $optionalText = '' | Any optional text. |
with required text
<?= $form->label( text: 'Text', requiredText: 'required', ) ?> // <label>Text<span class="required">required</span></label>
with optional text
<?= $form->label( text: 'Text', optionalText: 'optional', ) ?> // <label>Text<span class="optional">optional</span></label>
<?= $form->select( name: 'colors[]', items: ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue'], selected: ['blue'], selectAttributes: ['multiple'], optionAttributes: [], optgroupAttributes: [], emptyOption: null, withInput: true, ) ?> /* <select multiple name="colors" id="colors"> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="blue" selected>Blue</option> </select> */
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name of the select element. |
iterable $items = [] | The items. Multidimensional array for optgroups. |
mixed $selected = null | The selected value(s). Use array for multiple selected, but do not forget to set the multiple attribute on the select element and the select name should end with '[]'. |
array $selectAttributes = [] | Any attributes for the select element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
array $optionAttributes = [] | Any attributes for a single option. For instance, ['red' => ['class' => 'class-name']]. You may use asterix sign for all option elements, ['*' => ['class' => 'class-name']] |
array $optgroupAttributes = [] | Any attributes for the optgroup elements. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
null|array $emptyOption = null | Adds an empty option with the specified value and label. |
bool $withInput = true | If the value should be repopulated with the input data. |
with optgroup elements
<?= $form->select( name: 'roles', items: [ 'Frontend' => [ 'guest' => 'Guest', 'registered' => 'Registered', ], 'Backend' => [ 'editor' => 'Editor', 'administrator' => 'Aministrator', ], ], ) ?> /* <select name="roles" id="roles"> <optgroup label="Frontend"> <option value="guest">Guest</option> <option value="registered">Registered</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Backend"> <option value="editor">Editor</option> <option value="administrator">Aministrator</option> </optgroup> </select> */
with each method
You may use the each method if you have an array of objects or just to have more control over the value, label and array key for the name of the radio.
$items = ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue']; <?= $form->select( name: 'colors', items: $form->each(items: $items, callback: function($item, $key): array { // value:string, label:string|null return [$key, strtoupper($item)]; }), selected: 'blue', ) ?> /* <select name="colors" id="colors"> <option value="red">RED</option> <option value="blue" selected>BLUE</option> </select> */
with empty option
<?= $form->select( name: 'colors', items: ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue'], emptyOption: ['none', '---'], ) ?> /* <select name="colors" id="colors"> <option value="none">---</option> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="blue">Blue</option> </select> */
<?= $form->textarea( name: 'description', value: 'Lorem ipsum', attributes: [], withInput: true, ) ?> // <textarea name="description" id="description">Lorem ipsum</textarea>
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name of the textarea element. |
null|string $value = null | The value if any. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the textarea element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
bool $withInput = true | If the value should be repopulated with the input data. |
<?= $form->button( text: 'Submit Text', attributes: [], escText: true, ) ?> // <button type="submit">Submit Text</button>
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $text | The text for the button. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the textarea element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
bool $escText = true | True escaping text, otherwise not. |
Fieldset And Legend
<?= $form->fieldset( legend: 'Legend', attributes: [], legendAttributes: [], ) ?> // <fieldset><legend>Legend</legend> <?= $form->fieldsetClose() ?> // </fieldset>
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $legend | The text for legend element. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the fieldset element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
array $legendAttributes = [] | Any attributes for the legend element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
<?= $form->datalist( name: 'colors', items: ['red', 'blue'], attributes: [], ) ?> /* <datalist id="colors"> <option value="red"></option> <option value="blue"></option> </datalist> */
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $name | The name (id) of the datalist. |
iterable $items = [] | Any items. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the datalist element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
with each method
You may use the each method if you have an array of objects or just to have more control over the value.
$items = ['red' => 'Red', 'blue' => 'Blue']; <?= $form->datalist( name: 'colors', items: $form->each(items: $items, callback: function($item, $key): array { // value:string return [strtoupper($item)]; }) ) ?> /* <datalist id="colors"> <option value="RED"></option> <option value="BLUE"></option> </datalist> */
<?= $form->option( value: 'red', text: 'Red', attributes: [], selected: ['red'], // or 'red' ) ?> // <option value="red" selected>Red</option>
Parameters explanation
Parameter | Description |
string $value | The value of the option. |
null|string $text = null | The option text if any. |
array $attributes = [] | Any attributes for the option element. For instance, ['class' => 'class-name'] |
mixed $selected = null | The selected value(s). |
null|string $name = null | If set, it is used as the name for the Active Form Elements. |
Input Data
The input data is used to repopulate the values of the form elements.
Create Input
use Tobento\Service\Form\InputInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\Input; $input = new Input(array_merge( $_GET ?? [], $_POST ?? [], )); var_dump($input instanceof InputInterface); // bool(true)
Now, the value of the form elements gets automatically repopulated if a input data for the specified element exists.
Form Input Methods
You may use the following methods to access the input data on the form class.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\Input; $form = new Form( input: new Input(['color' => 'red']), ); $value = $form->getInput( name: 'color', default: 'blue', withInput: true, // default ); var_dump($value); // string(3) "red" $value = $form->getInput( name: 'color', default: 'blue', withInput: false, ); var_dump($value); // string(4) "blue"
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\Input; $form = new Form( input: new Input(['color' => 'red']), ); var_dump($form->hasInput('color')); // bool(true)
Returns a new Form instance with the specified input.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\Input; use Tobento\Service\Form\InputInterface; $form = new Form( input: new Input(['color' => 'red']), ); $form = $form->withInput( input: null, // null|InputInterface );
The tokenizer is used to generate and verify tokens to protect your application from cross-site request forgeries.
Session Tokenizer
Firstly, make sure you have the session service installed:
composer require tobento/service-session
Check out the Session Service to learn more about it in general.
use Tobento\Service\Form\TokenizerInterface; use Tobento\Service\Form\SessionTokenizer; use Tobento\Service\Session\SessionInterface; use Tobento\Service\Session\Session; $session = new Session(name: 'sess'); $tokenizer = new SessionTokenizer( session: $session, // SessionInterface tokenName: 'csrf', // default tokenInputName: '_token' // default ); var_dump($tokenizer instanceof TokenizerInterface); // bool(true)
Tokenizer Methods
var_dump($tokenizer->getTokenName()); // string(4) "csrf"
var_dump($tokenizer->getTokenInputName()); // string(6) "_token"
Return the token for the specified name.
var_dump($tokenizer->get('csrf')); // Null or string
Generates and returns a new token for the specified name.
var_dump($tokenizer->generate('csrf')); // string(40) "token-string..."
Delete the token for the specified name.
$isValid = $tokenizer->verifyToken( inputToken: 'input token string', // string name: 'csrf', // null|string The name of the token to verify. ); // or set a token. $isValid = $tokenizer->verifyToken( inputToken: 'input token string', // string token: 'token string' // null|string );
Tokenizer PSR-15 Middleware
You may also use the VerifyCsrfToken::class middleware to verify the form token.
If token is invalid, a InvalidTokenException will be thrown.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken; use Tobento\Service\Form\InvalidTokenException; $middleware = new VerifyCsrfToken( tokenizer: $tokenizer, // TokenizerInterface name: 'csrf', // default inputName: '_token', // default headerTokenName: 'X-Csrf-Token', // default. Null if not to use at all. onetimeToken: false, // default );
You may wish to exclude a set of URIs from CSRF protection:
$request = $request->withAttribute( VerifyCsrfToken::EXCLUDE_URIS_KEY, [ '', ] );
Form Tokenizer Methods
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\TokenizerInterface; $form = new Form( tokenizer: $tokenizer, ); var_dump($form->tokenizer() instanceof TokenizerInterface); // bool(true)
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form( tokenizer: $tokenizer, ); var_dump($form->generateToken()); // string(40) "token string..."
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form( tokenizer: $tokenizer, ); echo $form->generateTokenInput(); // <input name="_token" type="hidden" value="token string...">
Messages are used to display any message type on the form elements.
Check out the Message Service to learn more about it in general.
use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesInterface; use Tobento\Service\Message\Messages; $messages = new Messages(); var_dump($messages instanceof MessagesInterface); // bool(true)
Form Messages Methods
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesInterface; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->messages() instanceof MessagesInterface); // bool(true)
Returns a new instance with the specified messages.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesInterface; $form = new Form(); $form = $form->withMessages( input: null, // null|MessagesInterface );
Returns the message for the specified key.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->getMessage('key')); // string(0) ""
Returns the rendered message keys.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->getRenderedMessageKeys()); // array(0) { }
Adding Messages
An example of how to add messages for a specific form element.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); $form->messages()->add( level: 'error', message: 'Please accept our terms.', key: 'terms', ); <?= $form->input('terms', 'checkbox', 'terms') ?> // <span class="form-message error">Please accept our terms.</span> // <input name="terms" id="terms" type="checkbox">
You may check out the Validation Service for validating the form and passing the validator messages to the form.
CSRF Protection
If you have specified a tokenizer on the Form class, the form method will automatically add a hidden input element with the token.
<?= $form->form() ?> // <form method="POST"> // <input name="_token" type="hidden" value="generated-token-string">
Method Spoofing
If you set PUT, PATCH or DELETE as the method, a hidden input element named _method will be automatically added for spoofing.
<?= $form->form(['method' => 'PUT']) ?> // <form method="POST"> // <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PUT">
Active Form Elements
Returns the active elements.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; use Tobento\Service\Form\ActiveElements; use Tobento\Service\Form\ActiveElementsInterface; $form = new Form( activeElements: new ActiveElements(), ); var_dump($form->getActiveElements() instanceof ActiveElementsInterface); // bool(true)
If the element is active.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); $isActive = $form->isActive( name: 'colors', value: 'red', // the value to be active. default: null, );
Form Helper Methods
Generates the specified name to an array string if name contains notation syntax.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->nameToArray('user.firstname')); // string(15) "user[firstname]"
Generates the specified name from an array string to a notation based name.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->nameToNotation('user[firstname]')); // string(14) "user.firstname"
Generates the specified name to a valid id.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->nameToId('user[firstname]')); // string(14) "user_firstname"
Check if the specified name contains a notation.
use Tobento\Service\Form\Form; $form = new Form(); var_dump($form->hasArrayNotation('user.firstname')); // bool(true)
JavaScript Validation
You may use the validation.js for adding custom messages for your form elements when using validation attributes.
Import File
<script src="validation.js" type="module"></script>
Use the data-validation-messages
attribute to specify messages for specific validation attributes.
<?= $form->input( name: 'name', type: 'text', attributes: [ 'required', 'data-validation-messages' => [ 'required' => 'The name field is required.', ], ] ) ?>
<?= $form->input( name: 'name', type: 'text', attributes: [ 'pattern' => '[a-zA-Z]+', 'data-validation-messages' => [ 'pattern' => 'The name must only contain letters [a-zA-Z].', ], ] ) ?>
<?= $form->input( name: 'name', type: 'number', attributes: [ 'min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '10', 'data-validation-messages' => [ 'min' => 'The name must be at least 1.', 'max' => 'The name must be at most 100.', 'step' => 'The name must be in steps of 10.', ], ] ) ?>
<?= $form->input( name: 'name', type: 'text', attributes: [ 'minlength' => '5', 'maxlength' => '10', 'data-validation-messages' => [ 'minlength' => 'The name must be at least 5 letters long.', 'maxlength' => 'The name must be at most 10 letters long.', ], ] ) ?>
The mismatch message will be displayed for type mismatches. See ValidityState/typeMismatch
<?= $form->input( name: 'email', type: 'email', attributes: [ 'minlength' => '5', 'maxlength' => '10', 'data-validation-messages' => [ 'mismatch' => 'Please enter a valid email address.' ], ] ) ?>