
Http cookie for PHP applications.

1.0.1 2023-06-13 17:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 20:32:54 UTC


The cookie service provides a way for managing cookies for PHP applications.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the cookie service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-cookie


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Basic Usage

Simple example using the cookie service in your application:

use Tobento\Service\Cookie;
use Tobento\Service\Encryption\EncrypterInterface;

// Set up cookie values for reading cookies:
$cookieValues = new Cookie\CookieValues($_COOKIE);

// You may use the default processor for decryption:
$processor = new Cookie\CookiesProcessor(
    encrypter: null, // null|EncrypterInterface
    whitelistedCookies: ['PHPSESSID'],

$cookieValues = $processor->processCookieValues($cookieValues);

// Start reading values:
$value = $cookieValues->get('foo');

// Set up Cookies for writing:
$cookies = new Cookie\Cookies(
    cookieFactory: new Cookie\CookieFactory(),

// Adding cookies:
$cookies->add('name', 'value');

// You may use the default processor for encryption:
$cookies = $processor->processCookies($cookies);

// Send cookies before any header is sent:
foreach($cookies as $cookie) {

Using Middleware

You may prefer to use the Cookies middlware:

use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Middleware;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesProcessorInterface;

$middleware = new Middleware\Cookies(
    // CookieValuesFactoryInterface
    cookieValuesFactory: new CookieValuesFactory(),
    // CookiesFactoryInterface
    cookiesFactory: new CookiesFactory(new CookieFactory()),
    // CookiesProcessorInterface
    cookiesProcessor: new CookiesProcessor(),

var_dump($middleware instanceof MiddlewareInterface);
// bool(true)

Read and write cookies

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;

// ...

public function index(ServerRequestInterface $request): void
    // read cookies:
    $cookieValues = $request->getAttribute(CookieValuesInterface::class);
    $value = $cookieValues->get('foo');
    // or
    // write cookies:
    $cookies = $request->getAttribute(CookiesInterface::class);
    $cookies->add('name', 'value');

Read Cookie

Cookie Values Factory

You may use the CookieValuesFactory to create cookie values:


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesInterface;

$factory = new CookieValuesFactory();

var_dump($factory instanceof CookieValuesFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

$cookieValues = $factory->createCookieValuesFromArray($_COOKIE);

var_dump($cookieValues instanceof CookieValuesInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie Values to learn more about it.


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;

$factory = new CookieValuesFactory();

$cookieValues = $factory->createCookieValuesFromCookies(
    $cookies // CookiesInterface

You may check out the Cookie Values to learn more about it.

You may check out the Cookies to learn more about it.

Cookie Values

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesInterface;

$cookieValues = new CookieValues(['name' => 'value']);

var_dump($cookieValues instanceof CookieValuesInterface);
// bool(true)


Get a cookie value by name.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;

$values = new CookieValues([
    'name' => 'value',
    'meta' => [
        'color' => 'red',

var_dump($values->get(name: 'name'));
// string(5) "value"

// supports array access:

// supports dot notation:
var_dump($values->get(name: 'meta.color'));
// string(3) "red"

// with a default if not exists:
var_dump($values->get(name: 'foo', default: 'value'));
// string(5) "value"

var_dump($values->get(name: 'foo'));


Check if a cookie value by name exists.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;

$values = new CookieValues([
    'name' => 'value',
    'meta' => [
        'color' => 'red',

var_dump($values->has(name: 'name'));
// bool(true)

// supports dot notation:
var_dump($values->has(name: 'meta.color'));
// bool(true)

var_dump($values->has(name: 'foo'));
// bool(false)


Get a cookie values.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;

$values = new CookieValues([
    'name' => 'value',
    'meta' => [
        'color' => 'red',

// array(2) {["name"]=> string(5) ... }

// or just
foreach($values as $value) {}


Map over each of the cookie values returning a new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;

$values = new CookieValues([
    'name' => 'value',

$valuesNew = $values->map(function(mixed $value, string|int $name): mixed {
    return $value;


Returns a new instance with the specified values.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValues;

$values = new CookieValues([
    'name' => 'value',

$valuesNew = $values->withValues(['name' => 'value']);

Write Cookie

Cookies Factory

You may use the CookiesFactory to create cookies:


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookiesFactory = new CookiesFactory(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

var_dump($cookiesFactory instanceof CookiesFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

$cookies = $cookiesFactory->createCookies();

var_dump($cookies instanceof CookiesInterface);
// bool(true)

$cookies = $cookiesFactory->createCookies(
    new Cookie(name: 'name', value: 'value'),

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.

You may check out the Cookies to learn more about it.


Create new cookies from key/value pairs. May be used for creating cookies from the $_COOKIE superglobal.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;

$cookiesFactory = new CookiesFactory(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

$cookies = $cookiesFactory->createCookiesFromKeyValuePairs([
    'name' => 'value',

var_dump($cookies instanceof CookiesInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.

You may check out the Cookies to learn more about it.


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;

$cookiesFactory = new CookiesFactory(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

$cookies = $cookiesFactory->createCookiesFromArray([
        'name' => 'name',
        'value' => 'value',

        // The duration in seconds until the cookie will expire.
        'lifetime' => 3600,

        'path' => '/',
        'domain' => '',
        'secure' => true,
        'httpOnly' => true,
        'sameSite' => 'Lax',

var_dump($cookies instanceof CookiesInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.

You may check out the Cookies to learn more about it.


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookies;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;

$cookies = new Cookies(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

var_dump($cookies instanceof CookiesInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.


Add a cookie object.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookies;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookie;

$cookies = new Cookies(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

    new Cookie(name: 'name', value: 'value')

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.


Add a cookie.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookies;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;

$cookies = new Cookies(
    cookieFactory: new CookieFactory(),

    name: 'name', // string
    value: 'value', // string
    // The duration in seconds until the cookie will expire.
    lifetime: 3600, // null|int
    // if null (default) it uses default value from factory.
    path: '/', // null|string
    // if null (default) it uses default value from factory.
    domain: '', // null|string
    // if null (default) it uses default value from factory.
    secure: true, // null|bool
    httpOnly: true, // default true if not set
    // if null (default) it uses default value from factory.
    sameSite: 'Lax', // string

You may change the default values by a custom CookieFactory::class.

You may check out the Cookie Factory to learn more about it.


Returns a cookie by the specified parameters or null if not found.

$cookie = $cookies->get(name: 'name');

// by name and path:
$cookie = $cookies->get(name: 'name', path: 'path');

// by name and domain:
$cookie = $cookies->get(name: 'name', domain: '');

// by name, path and domain:
$cookie = $cookies->get(name: 'name', path: 'path', domain: '');


Clear a cookie by the specified parameters.

// clears all with the same name:
$cookies->clear(name: 'name');

// clears only with same name and path:
$cookies->clear(name: 'name', path: 'path');

// clears only with same name and domain:
$cookies->clear(name: 'name', domain: '');

// clears only with same name, path and domain:
$cookies->clear(name: 'name', path: 'path', domain: '');


Sometimes you may need only specific columns from the cookies returning an array.

$names = $cookies->column('name');

$values = $cookies->column('value');

// values keyed by name:
$values = $cookies->column('value', 'name');


Returns the first cookie, otherwise null.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookie = $cookies->first();

var_dump($cookie instanceof CookieInterface);
// bool(true) or NULL


Returns all cookies.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookies = $cookies->all();
// array<int, CookieInterface>

// or just
foreach($cookies as $cookie) {}


Returns a new instance with the filtered cookies.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookiesNew = $cookies->filter(
    fn(CookieInterface $c): bool => $c->name() === 'foo'


Returns a new instance with the name filtered.

$cookiesNew = $cookies->name('foo');


Returns a new instance with the path filtered.

$cookiesNew = $cookies->path('/');


Returns a new instance with the domain filtered.

$cookiesNew = $cookies->domain('');


Map over each of the cookies returning a new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookiesNew = $cookies->map(function(CookieInterface $c): CookieInterface {
    return $c;


Returns the cookie header.

// array(1) { [0]=> string(127) "name=value; Expires=Tuesday, 06-Jun-2023 18:34:46 GMT; Max-Age=3600; Path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax" }

Cookie Factory

You may use the CookieFactory to create a cookie:


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookieFactory = new CookieFactory(
    // default values:
    path: '/',
    domain: '',
    secure: true,
    sameSite: 'Lax',

var_dump($cookieFactory instanceof CookieFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

$cookie = $cookieFactory->createCookie(
    name: 'name', // string
    value: 'value', // string
    // The duration in seconds until the cookie will expire.
    lifetime: 3600, // null|int
    // if null (default) it uses default value.
    path: '/', // null|string
    // if null (default) it uses default value.
    domain: '', // null|string
    // if null (default) it uses default value.
    secure: true, // null|bool
    httpOnly: true, // default true if not set
    // if null (default) it uses default value.
    sameSite: 'Lax', // string

var_dump($cookie instanceof CookieInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie to learn more about it.


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;

$cookieFactory = new CookieFactory(
    // default values:
    path: '/',
    domain: '',
    secure: true,
    sameSite: 'Lax',

$cookie = $cookieFactory->createCookieFromArray([
    'name' => 'name',
    'value' => 'value',

    // The duration in seconds until the cookie will expire.
    'lifetime' => 3600,

    'path' => '/',
    'domain' => '',
    'secure' => true,
    'httpOnly' => true,
    'sameSite' => 'Lax',

var_dump($cookie instanceof CookieInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Cookie to learn more about it.


use Tobento\Service\Cookie\Cookie;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\SameSite;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\SameSiteInterface;

$cookie = new Cookie(
    name: 'name', // string
    value: 'value', // string
    // The duration in seconds until the cookie will expire.
    lifetime: 3600, // null|int
    path: '/', // string
    domain: '', // string
    secure: true, // bool
    httpOnly: true, // bool
    sameSite: new SameSite(value: 'Lax'), // null|SameSiteInterface

var_dump($cookie instanceof CookieInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(4) "name"

// string(5) "value"

// int(3600) or NULL

// string(1) "/"

// string(0) ""

// bool(true)

// bool(true)

// null|SameSiteInterface

// string(3) "Lax"

// int(1686155135) or NULL

// string(109) "name=value; Expires=Wednesday, 07-Jun-2023 16:27:47 GMT; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax"

// send the cookie uses setcookie() method:
// bool(true) on success, otherwise false

Cookies Processor

You may use the default cookies processor for encrypting and decrypting cookie values or you may create a custom processor suiting your needs.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Encryption\EncrypterInterface;

$processor = new CookiesProcessor(
    encrypter: null, // null|EncrypterInterface
    whitelistedCookies: ['PHPSESSID'],

var_dump($processor instanceof CookiesProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Encryption Service to learn more about it.


Decrypting the cookie values.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookieValuesInterface;

$cookieValues = $processor->processCookieValues(
    cookieValues: $cookieValues // CookieValuesInterface

You may check out the Cookie Values to learn more about it.


Encrypting the cookie values.

use Tobento\Service\Cookie\CookiesInterface;

$cookieValues = $processor->processCookies(
    cookies: $cookies // CookiesInterface

You may check out the Cookies to learn more about it.


You may use the whitelistCookie to add a cookie the whitelist meaning no encryption/decryption is done.

$processor->whitelistCookie(name: 'foo');


Returns the whitelisted cookies.

$whitelistedCookies = $processor->whitelistedCookies();
// array<int, string>
