
Installs: 204

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0



1.0.1 2015-09-10 06:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-20 17:35:31 UTC


Google map widget for sonata admin.


Create example project Bus (src/Bus)

  • In Sonata Admin Class:

    // namespace Bus\MainBundle\Admin;
    // Fields to be shown on create/edit forms
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
             ->add('position', 'mapmarker', array('attr' =>
                     array('draggable' => true,
                          'limit' => 1,
                          'center-lat' => 40.177037117759895,
                          'center-lng' => 44.51488494873047,
                          'zoom' => 12) ))
             ->add('position', 'mapmarker')


    // namespace Bus\MainBundle\Admin;
    // Fields to be shown on create/edit forms
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
             ->add('position', 'mapmarker', array('attr' =>
                     array('draggable' => true,
                          'limit' => 1,
                          'center-lat' => 40.177037117759895,
                          'center-lng' => 44.51488494873047,
                          'zoom' => 12) ))
             ->add('position', 'mapmarker')
  • Add method in the same file, with which you can include map twig

    public function getFormTheme() {
         return array('BusMapBundle:Admin:mapmarker_edit.html.twig');
  • Create new methods in Entity file, that will create and return an array with parameters longitude and latitude

      * Get getPosition
      * @return array
     public function getPosition()
         return array('position' => array('lat' => $this->latitude,'lng' => $this->longitude));
      * Set setPosition
      * @param array $latlng
      * @return Stop
     public function setPosition($latlng)
         return $this;

    consider that there are already properties:

      * @var float
      * @ORM\Column(name="longitude", type="decimal", nullable=false, scale=7)
     private $longitude;
      * @var float
      * @ORM\Column(name="latitude", type="decimal", nullable=false, scale=7)
     private $latitude;
  • Create services in admin.xml

    // EntityName - is your entity Class
    <service id="sonata.admin.main.EntityName.route" class="Bus\MainBundle\Admin\EntityNameAdmin">
       <tag name="sonata.admin" manager_type="orm" group="Entity" label="EntityNameAdmin"/>
         <call method="setTemplate">